
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Here are 6 new blocks.........
that I made last night. I'm still just playing. They may not ever get made into anything.
Here are the blocks from both nights edge to edge.
And here they are spaced out.
My back yard friends.
Two of the peony bushes.
It is time to start cleaning the basement for my art quilters' group which will be here on Monday. I worked on it a little yesterday. I'm still sorting things in my garage that came from Dad's apartment when we moved him to a smaller one. I've donated a lot of Mother's clothes, put aside some things for a garage sale that I will have if my neighbor is going to have one, and have 2 large bags to take to the dumpster. I still have the thank you notes to write and that will make it final that Mother is really gone.


  1. Fantastcs your blogs. I love squares. Huugs from Brazil

  2. The blocks look fun. Praying for you Wanda.

  3. Your blocks are beautiful, as well as your peonies. This has to be a hard time for you with the loss of your mother. You are doing an amazing job of getting things organized and taken care of..that must be one of the hardest things about your loss.

  4. All the clearing out is hard. I hope it brings some consolation, too, spending time with your mother's things.

  5. What fun, lovely, playful blocks ~ I hope they are comforting to you, too.

    As you write, not to think of the thank you notes in terms of absolute finality but rather as yet another stage in an ongoing journey. . . your mom may be gone from your presence but she remains in your heart and your mind and in the very fiber of your being... big transitions like this are hard ~ so very hard. Hugs from afar!

  6. Wow, you've been clearing out stuff already? My mother-in-law has barely begun that process (everything just got moved to her house)and that is from 3 family deaths in the alst 6 years.

    The blocks look like they would make anyone feel good. Keep sewing.

  7. oh please you have to make these into something!
    I LOVE these blocks
    would be fun to make them into a quilt
    what a great collection of kaffe fabrics you have

  8. Those blocks are lovely -- and perfect for play time while dealing with everything else you've got on your plate!

  9. Your blocks are lovely. Perfect soothing activity.

  10. Hi Wanda,
    I like the blocks with a little space between them as something different (gives those busy fabrics a "breather").
    I have some older Jennifer Sampou (sp?) bright polka-dot fabrics that I am cutting into strips and squares, and I bet the Kaffe fabrics in my stash would complement them nicely.
    Sending positive vibes your way.
    Vicky F

  11. I so agree with Quiltdivajulie, she said it all. There has not been one day I do not think of Mom and Dad since they have passed on. I miss them so much.

    I feed my birds year around too. I enjoy them as much in the warmer months as I do in the cold ones. And the lovely shades of green in the background is so striking in all of todays photo's.

    And those blocks... What a difference it makes to separate them. This piece must be finished, I think you will always remember making it during your grieving period. She would be so honored to know you have created such a lovely tribute to her.


  12. All around you are signs that you mother is near....the birds that come visiting, the flowers that provide beauty and scent, the beautiful creations you are making that work like medicine for your soul.


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