
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Pile o' bags

I have been busy tidying up the basement in hopes that Old Man Winter doesn't interfere with my art quilters coming to visit on Monday. We had less than an inch of snow last night. They are predicting flurries Sunday night and Monday afternoon at this point and above freezing temperatures on Monday. Last year we had to cancel at least twice for bad weather. I will continue cleaning and be ready.
Here is a pile of bags finished with one more started. I got up with a weather change headache so I'll see if I can get it done today.


  1. We must be reacting to the same change in weather -- same headache here. I'm trying to ignore it and see if I can do something creative instead.
    Love your little bags. Absolutely love them. They are so cheerful!!

  2. The idea for making these bags are going to fill a Christmas gift need for me...but the pattern? Can I get it on-line? They are Soooo cute.
    Paulette in VA

  3. Paulette, here is a link straight to the product at the company.

  4. Your pile of "gold" ... for gifting. Wish it was my stash. They are wonderful.


  5. They are so nice. WHat do you do with all the bags and quilts that you make?

  6. I've a headache this morning too, and the weather did change - snow - but never thought that was the cause. No other reason so could be!

    Thanks again for info on these bags. I can think of lots of ways to use them and hope to make a few for stocking stuffers!

  7. We got hit today. I don't know how many inches but there is no mistaking winter.

  8. I love your pile of bags! It is hard to say which are my favorites, but I think I like the spotted ones the best. We are supposed to get snow tonight into tomorrow. Hubby went out to see if the snow blower is still operating correctly so he is ready!

  9. It is hard to imagine snow, while we are sweltering in sticky humidity!
    Love those bags, the yellow is still my favourite.

  10. I love the little bags too, and the gold one is my fav. It is nice to see quilting used in everyday things. So practical.


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