
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Binding done

I finished the binding on another quilt. I used the same fabric as the border for the binding and since it is a batik it was tough to push a needle through. It is a good pick up between other projects though. It was down near 0 this morning but the sun is shining and it looks like a clear day. It is time to go bake the cookies for my art quilters who are coming tomorrow.


  1. A lovely quilt Wanda. Enjoying your blog!

    A former student from WI

  2. This is a fun design. HOw did you quilt it?

  3. I hope the weather is good for your meeting tomorrow! If not, you'll have a lot of cookies to console you. ;)

  4. That's very cool. I lvoe the border fabric.

  5. This turned out so well. The border fabric really ties it together.

  6. I love to look at your blog, your work is always to beautiful.

  7. Beautiful quilts the last few posts! Not to mention the wonderful little bags! And COLD! Yes it is so cold out today, 10 degrees as I write this and more snow on its way......

  8. Hi Wanda,
    Another lively quilt that looks even better close up.
    It's amazing how much the setting block fabric tones down the batiks!
    20 degrees here in West Mich, but at least the sun is shining and the snow stopped temporarily (we have a foot on the ground now at my house).
    Happy cookie baking!
    Vicky F

  9. The border fabric is absolutely perfect for the quilt! It looks as if it might be too busy, but is just right!

  10. Congratulations on another great finish! The bags in your last post look wonderful as well.
    Save some cookies for me! LOL

  11. ooooooo....i love this quilt......and i would love some of your cookies when you get them baked!

  12. As ALWAYS your color compostion just intrigues me. I am mesmerised with another stunning piece of needle artwork.

    We had that early snow in Oct. that melted away before the end of the day. And not a flake since, temps have been in the low 40's during the day this past week. And Vickie F has a foot of snow on the ground already!


  13. I love the juxtaposition of spots and stripes. The border fabric was a perfect choice.

  14. A perfect cold day for baking cookies - always warms things up a little. Love the quilt, the border fabric especially is perfect.

  15. Marvelous to see this one finished ~ I love my batiks, but you're right... they don't needle as easily as some fabrics (worth the extra effort, though).

  16. Another beautiful quilt! The border fabric is perfect! How did you quilt it? That pile o' bags from yesterday turned out very nice too!

  17. Wow! That border fabric is a great batik and perfect for that quilt.

  18. That's a fabulous quilt! I know what you mean about the batiks. I just finished making a block that was SO hard to needle, all because of a pink batik.
    We're supposed to be getting a snowstorm tomorrow night. They're actually recommending people go in to work an hour early so they can leave early and avoid the beginning of it!!

  19. I have a tough time with batik bindings too, always have to use a thimble, but they sure are pretty when they're done! I like your Pile O' Bags and the postcards too--they're so cool!

  20. Another wonderful quilt, with perfect border, plus binding.
    I cant believe it is so cold for you! It is hard to feel 'cold' when we have 30+ degees Celsius!!


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