
Monday, December 8, 2008

This is one of my favorite bags made from little pieces of this and that. I had paper pieced some of the triangle sections with more scraps from my dotted quilt and thought I was going to use them as a border on a little quilt. Well I never finished that little quilt and I liked them for this bag.
And a close up of the piecing and stitching.

We lucked out with no new snow yesterday or this morning so I think my art quilters are coming. The cookies are baked and the basement is presentable so I'm ready..........


  1. I love that bag. It's wonderful!!

    The snow has started here -- they're saying we may get quite a lot today. It's very pretty but ...

  2. I think this is my favorite bag yet!! I love it too! I hope you have fun today. Stay warm, it got very cold and windy here last night. The thermometer dropped to 12 degrees. Brrrr!

  3. I absolutely love this bag... and I am not big on polka dots. Think I will just have to make one for my neice.

    Have fun with your art group!

  4. What a GREAT way to use small pieces too good to toss ~ this one IS my favorite so far!

  5. They (the bags) get cutier, with each one--when will you stop? LOL
    I'm working on mine now, didn't get the pattern, but I can "Wing-it", thanks for your help.
    Paulette in VA

  6. The second I saw the photo it became my favorite. It's wonderful!

  7. This is "THE" gift of the season. I think we all are making them this year.

    Poka dot bag is full of fun just look at, I'd be tempted to just hang it on the wall.


  8. LOVE THIS BAG!!!.....have fun with your me a cookie!

  9. All of your bags are so cute but this one is tops. Are you planning on giving these at Christmas or selling them maybe?

  10. Definitely my favorite as well. That would make a gorgeous quilt.

  11. cute bag! Have fun with your friends.

  12. Cookies! You give your art quilt friends cookies!
    And the bag is sweet too.

  13. Oh, oh, oh, I really like this bag! It's so so beautiful.

  14. Hi Wanda,
    I agree, this is a great bag!
    Did you use triangles on a roll or something similar to paper piece the triangles (they are so even).
    Pick an exuberant person to give this one to!
    Vicky F

  15. I too love this bag! How could you go wrong with polka dots?? My favorite one of the bunch, and they're all wonderful! What an inspiration you are to me!
    Hope you had fun with the art quilters, enjoyed the cookies and missed the snowiness!


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