
Friday, December 5, 2008

On a roll

I tend to make things in batches. After I have made one of these bags I have to make more while all of the measurements are fresh in my mind. I am usually using some playtime blocks or strip piecing so I am not planning anything specifically for the bags.
After I made my dotted quilt I played with the leftover strips and made several table runners. I had a few blocks left over so I used them on this bag.

This one is kind of cheery too, just like the yellow one.
In case you don't remember the dotted quilt, here is a link. I hope to be quilting this one soon.


  1. This bag is fabulously cheerful! Love it.
    I just went and looked at your dotted quilt -- oh, my!! It is fantastic.

  2. This is my favorite so far! A happy little bag..

  3. Love the dotted bag! The dotted quilt was/is beautiful too!!

  4. I like this one a lot but you know this is the palette I most prefer these days.

  5. I just looked at the quilt also. I have been collecting dotted fabrics for a star quilt but I think I like yours even better.

  6. I love the dotted one. But then I have a thing for dots.

  7. The dots are great! I like this bag best so far...I think! They are all gorgeous :)

    .....168 different kinds of dotted fabric in your stash!? Wow! Can I come to quilt-camp at your house?

  8. Obviously you are having a lot of fun with these bags :)

  9. Love it! Just makes me smile. Sorry, but I'm one of those people who don't like yellow, so I like this one a lot better.

  10. Your newest bag is very cheerful, as was the yellow one.
    This post inspires me to do as you do; keep a stash of strip-pieced fabric squares in case of a gift emergency.
    I am going to make some of your journal covers this weekend but will have to do a little strip sewing first (sounds risque).
    Vicky F

  11. Great use of the left-overs! Fun-looking bag.

  12. What a great use for leftovers. I have a friend who consciously cooks extra at dinner and she calls what's left "planned-overs." These little bags are worth making planned-overs for.

  13. I think this one is my favourite! You have inspired me to strip piece any left-overs. Soon I will have enough for something - I don't know what yet.

  14. Did you collect the dotted fabric over a period of time or buy those fabrics all at once. I've never seen so many wonderful pieces of dotted fabrics. Love the quilt, and now to have a little memory bag from that quilt. I really like the structure of the quilting, looks like it gives the bag stability.

    Sure hope your headache melts away.


  15. Love all the colorful bags. I have a similar pattern, but without the handle. This is such a versatile bag. I like the dot quilt, too. Hope the weather holds and your art group will be able to meet.


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