
Monday, December 22, 2008

A few more choices

I didn't know how sore I was from shoveling those huge chunks of ice a couple days ago until I lifted my 3 gallon bottle of water onto my cooler. I had taken aspirin earlier in the day for shoulder pain, but my arm muscles didn't hurt until I lifted the bottle. I am sore today, which surprises me. I thought I would be sore the day after, not 2 days after.

Yesterday I spread the blocks out over some more choices. I kind of like this one. (#1)
I really like this one (below) because I like busy quilts. (#2)
This blue is one of Kaffe's plainer fabrics but is a little stark for me. (#3)

Here is a light colored batik with swirls. I like this one too. (#4)
And then after I baked these and ate one too many........
I tried this one. It might be too busy even for me. (#5)
So, now what do all of you think? Does one stand out more than the others as good?


  1. My favorite is the #3 , and in second choice the # 2

  2. Hi Wanda,
    I think #1 is the best to my eye; it unifies the whole and brings out the yellows that you don't notice otherwise.
    #4 is my second choice, but almost looks to calm compared to your "normal" quilts.

    So your arms and shoulders are sore; what about your back? Breaking up and clearing thick ice/snow is a heavy job.
    Vicky F

  3. I like 3 the best. That blue is beautiful. My second choice is 4 because it let's the colors of the blocks pop. Bonnie in Tx.

  4. My favorites are 1 and 2 - I like them busy!

  5. I vote #2 ... and I'd like some of those delicious looking cookies to go with it!!!

  6. I see what you like about #2, but I really like how #1 brings out the yellows.

  7. No 2 or 5. Because the interaction with the "picture frame" causes a startling effect in both cases, as if the frame was transparent. This is stronger, the more similar the patterns of background and frame are. It would be maximum if it was the same pattern in different colours.

  8. #1 is my favorite (Especially like the way it sings and 'moves' across the quilt, helping some of the other colors 'pop').

    The blue is just too formal for your style.

    #5 could also work (with your eye and abilities, not in the hands of a novice) - What if you narrow up the amount of background fabric that snows between the pieced blocks? It feels a wee bit chaotic the way it is now... (although I know it will tame some as it is sewn together and especially once it is quilted)...

  9. I'm always big on blue. Makes all the colors look richer.

  10. I like the beach ball fabric, just is fun and love how the colors pop.
    Also like the first one makes the blocks stand out more, yet it is colorful, true to you!

  11. I like one and two best. I like busy quilts too.

  12. #2 is my favourite, I also really like #5. have fun and best wishes of the season to you and thanks for the delightfully colourful blog linda m in snowy ,cold bc

  13. *L*....we're really not helping much, are we?

    I like #2 the best, just sayin'

    Stay warm.

  14. Number 2 is great. But I would probably do number 3, because I am not as adventurous as you are and I love blue! I'll eat some of those cookies for you!

  15. I like #2 and #5 as well, narrower of course. Those cookies look pretty good too!

  16. Yep, those cookies stand out as pretty good.

    Oh, you meant the fabric.

    #1 is my first choice, with #4 is my second.

  17. I think the first one is best, looks really interesting. The fourth one is nice but not as interesting. But I like it. Don't much care for the middle two or the last one with the candy type pieces. Fun to see all your auditions!

  18. I like #2 and I like the starkness of #3 too. I like #2 because it seems to be compatiable with the Fassett fabrics.
    The cookies look wonderful too.
    Hope that your shoulder feels better soon.

  19. I hope your aches and pains are gone! That is hard work moving snow and ice around.
    I really like #1 because it has a spring time feel to it. But #2 is equally nice. A more wintry feel I think. What ever one you choose I know it will be beautiful!

  20. I like #1 and #2. I think #2 is actually teh more sophisticated of the two. Of course, that last one has a certain je ne sais quoi. :-)

  21. Here's another vote for #1. I think it's just beautiful...the pale yellow tones somehow make the pieced blocks jump. #2 is also great, but maybe a bit too busy? Seems to take your eye away from the pieced blocks too much, and they are so wonderful I want to dwell on them! BTW, what size are the blocks?

  22. I'm not going to read anyone else's comments until after I post this. I like #1.

  23. mmm I like number two, the best.
    Then number one next. I don't like the plain blue at all - jumps out too much! and the wild one???? uhhhhh no comment. 8-))))

    The one with a softer loking background, pale, creamy is nice, but might be too boring for some people, just right for those folks who don't know all the stuff quilters like! LOL

    Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!

  24. I like the one in the top right corner of your blog - the one that has the blocks and no sashing fabric. Of course, that means that you have to make more blocks. but, you could use all the fabrics that you have auditioned as additional fabric for getting the blocks to fit into a quilt top.

    if that is not an option - I'd go for #3 - I love the bright blue.


  25. I love the first choice!! The blocks seem to almost float on it.

    Sometimes the muscle soreness doesn't appear until the second day. Hope you feel better as the day wears on!

  26. I like the blue one or the white swirls. All of them look good, I'm glad I don't have to pick one. What ever you decide I'm sure it is going to look great!

  27. Hi Wanda, I like #5.It's great.
    take care of your sore muscles.Rest and heat.
    Are your kids going to make it?jmh

  28. I like the first one the best, but if you want to tone down the exuberance (Tee Hee) number three makes a good second.

  29. #1 - the cooler colours of the background really set the blocks off. Truly exuberant in the most beautiful way poss :).

  30. I vote for number 2 and look forward to seeing it done.

  31. I like # 1 the best,Vera.

  32. Hi Wanda,

    I am sorry to hear you are sore. I hope you are feeling better soon. Shoveling ice can do that to you. Don't over do it! I have to say that I am voting for #1 and #3 in that order. I can't wait to see which you choose.

  33. Wanda, Just to confuse things, I really like the fabric in Sunday's post better than any of Monday's...

    Thank you so much for your blog, it is a highlight in my day... and most motivating...

    May your Christmas and New Year have good sewing times and fewer, or just shorter doctor trips for you and parents...

  34. I pick the spritz cookies. Was that an option? ;) Well, let me be more specific... the chocolate spritz cookies! =P

  35. I think #3 is my favorite. I am a big fan of BLUE anyway. But it makes the squares look like windows to me, and they really pop on the blue.

    However, I have a second choice (one that you like) #1 -the squares don't get lost in it like they do in 2 and 5.

    The fabric in Monday's post is better to me than 2 or 5.

    In case you are wondering...I think four is just too bland.

    Just my opinion.

  36. I like #3 and #4, though they are all pretty. I think the calmer prints let the busy ones shine. Otherwise it might all blend together too much.

  37. Shoveling snow is hard work, and I'm not surprised you're sore. My driveway is large enough to park 8 cars. I've shoveled it once, and it was a killer. Love those Kaffe Fassetts! I like either one of the first two the best.

  38. I really like #1, it is the one I would choose. I love bright colors and have difficulty when I try to make a subdued quilt.

  39. 40 VOTES ! I've been shopping all day and just got to your post.

    # 1 is my choice. But I know the one you really like and will use will be the best one. As you can always see the best combination. But it is ALWAYS FUN to vote on a personal preference. Thank you for letting us join in.

    Your poor muscles, and did you get all that thick ice removed ? Wanda that is really hard physical work.


  40. loving the blue. It frames the beautiful blocks. Another wonderful, yet simple, quilt by you. Of all of the choices the only one I don't like is #2

  41. #3 and #4 are great! Like the calmer background, it helps the blocks stand out.

  42. i actually like the bubbley/pebbley background from yesterday's post more than any of these, although i know you didn't like it as much. from this bunch i'd have to say either #2 or the last beach ball one. :)

  43. All good, but I like number 1 the best.

  44. I like #1 and then #4 and also wanted to say what a great idea to use up those strips.

  45. I really like #1 - somehow it makes the blocks both pop out and blend in. The blue is a pretty color (I really like that shade of blue!), but...stark - very contrast-y.

    I'm lucky, I guess, as I'm not fond of shoveling (although I need the exercise!) to live where there isn't very much snow, and often we can let the sunshine melt it off the driveway...

  46. I hope your aches go away quickly.

    I really like the blue, but I tend to like things less busy. I think #1 is a good compromise - there is interest in the background, but it doesn't overpower the blocks.

  47. Hee hee! I like Sunday's choice after seeing these. At lot of help I am, huh? Hope your sore muscles go away really fast. Like before you have to shovel again!

  48. I like #2, the paperweight from the previous post, #5 and that order :) I like the business of some of these!
    I think the blue takes away from the prints a little...but that may well look completely different when actually sewn...not much help :/

  49. How about some plain white to show off all of those colorful prints? Love your blocks, love the Kaffe Fassett fabrics, have a big stash of my own that I need some insiration to start cutting into. And I think I just found it here!!! Goodluck with your choice, and happy sewing...


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