
Friday, March 21, 2008

Jacket and purse

In July 2006 I made this sample for a local quilt shop. It is one where you cut a sweatshirt along the seams and use the pieces as the base for the jacket. The fabric is wet and then twisted and left to dry creating a crinkly fabric that has iron on interfacing added when it is dry. Pieces are cut to the shape of the sweatshirt parts. Stitching is then done through all of the layers with many different kinds of threads, some of them couched on last. The sample was displayed by the store for a year and then returned to me. It fit a friend of mine much better than it fit me so she now owns it. I made a purse to go with it for her.
She said people followed her around to get near the jacket at an event she wore it to.


  1. Now that jacket is absolutely stunning I can see why people follow her around to get a better look. It is garment I would want to make ASAP! (*._,*) I love jackets and the more unique the better. This one is just grand.


  2. I'm not surprised people followed her around! That definitely does NOT look like a sweatshirt jacket.

  3. wanda,
    What gorgeous rich colors that you used to make the fabulous jacket- you have such a great eye for color.
    What a lucky friend who gets to wear such a beautiful piece of art!

  4. A Pied Piper Jacket! How unique & what a special gift. Love the bag too.

  5. I would also have followed that jacket around. Beautiful and original!

  6. I know you're probably sick of hearing it :)), but you do the most exquisite work!

  7. Oooh... that purse is beautiful

  8. That is an amazing jacket! So vibrant!

  9. Left a comment earlier, but I believe it did not post, so I'll post again. Very nice set! Understandable that your friend would have lots of lookers. I made a s/s jacket for my sister, and I have to admit that it was beautiful, and almost wanted to keep it. She also tells me how folks want to look at it up close and find it hard to believe that her sister made it. Yours looks a good bit different from the ones I've made, but yours quite lovely.

  10. I'll bet total strangers come up and try to pet her jacket! That is so artsy and beautiful.

  11. It's gorgeous and I would be following her too, to get a better look at her jacket! What a great friend you are to give it to her and make a purse to match as well.


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