
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Going through stuff

Back in the 1980's when I had a quilt shop, screen prints were very popular. As I am cleaning through stuff in the basement I am finding several packages of them. I know I will never use them so I may put them up on my blog-shop next week after I have had time to take pictures. This is one unopened package and one open package. I also have birdhouses and angels.


  1. Wanda, are those prints on fabric?

    Hope you didn't get too much snow yesterday. My husband was supposed to fly into O'Hare last night and his flight was canceled. We just had rain showers down here with a high in the 50's.

  2. Can't wait to see those come up for sale!

  3. Wanda, How big are the images on those screen prints? If they're less than 6", I'm interested! D

  4. I am on the waiting list too of watchers.

  5. Bird houses and angels... (*._,*) Are they in the blue also? Looks like they are printed on a natural colored piece of cotton. We are all anxious to see them in your blog shop.



  6. These do look very nice. I love the animals, but am sure I would love angels too.


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