
Thursday, March 20, 2008

More "to be finished"

I think I am at the bottom of the box of unfinished pieces. This is little and wouldn't take much time to finish. I think it needs a lot of stitching on it so I'll hang it on the wall in my studio and start thinking about it. It was made by sewing together my clean up cut pieces that vary in width from one end to the other. Then it was sliced into segments and every other one was flipped end for end and sewn back together. Another "playtime" piece. A close up of a few of the fabrics.
The sun is shining and some of the weathermen are saying we will have 3-6" of snow in the next 24 hours. Others aren't sure if we will have snow or rain. I guess we will just have to wait and see. The huge pile of snow that was on the edge of my driveway is only about 12" tall now after many days of above freezing temperatures.


  1. Thanks Wanda for asking what others used for a filler in their postcards.... I gasped when I read 'Karen' said Buckrum, just a few weeks ago I donated yards of buckrum to a Church second hand store. I took note on all responses and will use.

    Those 'clean up' pieces have made a very striking piece. I have enjoyed seeing all of your 'UFO's'.


  2. You never cease to amaze me. You are so prolific. How much time do you spend sewing every day? I love your play time ideas. They are just what I need right now. I am always working on stuff I have to do and never enough time on what I what to do. I am currently hand quilting a small quilt that was so much fun to work on, for a give away for my 100th post. (Check it out if your interested) It was unexpected and fast. Very fun! Thanks for the inspiration. Terry

  3. Neat technique, very cool result. And, of course, the zebras are there to enjoy it all.

  4. Even your play pieces have that something special about them!
    A mystery.

  5. It's amazing what you can make from leftovers. I love the black and white fabric. Stunning!

  6. Since you mentioned that you were considering whether to finish your rosebuds... perhaps they should be treated to the "playtime" approach (what a cool juxtaposition of traditional with "fun" that would provide)...

    LOVE the black and whites (on their own and as a frame for the brilliant colors)!

  7. Your quilts and blog are inspiring me! I am beginning to see that I must play more and let the creative process happen...

  8. This is gorgeous. it reminds me a little of a Ricky Tims quilt, but he wouldn't have added the zebras!

  9. This one is gorgeous! I love the fabrics.

    A woman in my small quilt group said she's been on a mission this month to finish all her UFO's. It must be that time of year. :-)

    Keep playing - and sharing your results!

  10. Wanda- I LOVE that rosebud quilt. If you don't want to finish it, send it here.

    No snow yet but it's cold enough. Let's keep our fingers crossed it's rain instead.

    Hope all is improving on the parental front....



  11. I don't believe you. Everyone knows that your "to be finished" box is infinite and bottomless. You are just trying to make us feel better.

    : ) Michael

  12. That's a nice scrappy quilt. I like the b&w border. I'm so glad that we don't have snow now; however, today it sleeted! Where's Spring??


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