
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Around the Twist

When I would give programs for quilt guilds, this quilt was one of their favorites. Most of my quilts are multi-fabric quilts, 50 or more fabrics are my favorites. I don't like using less than 12 fabrics because I will become easily bored with the controlled palette. This quilt is more traditional and subdued than most of my work so it always surprised me when people would tell me this was the favorite of all that I had shown. Here is a close up view of the fabrics.
Today is the wedding shower at my house and then I can get back into the studio and play. It is nice to have the house clean, and I usually need a good reason to clean it!


  1. I just finished piecing that same quilt together. Love your color selection.

  2. I understand the charm of many fabrics because it makes a quilt lively and more interesting, and yet sometimes the charm of a quilt is in the design or the 'calmness' of it. I like this one, and I wonder if it would have that same charm if each value was in differing fabrics rather than all the same? Makes me feel like playing in EQ6 just to say... but I can't -- no time today.

    Have fun with your shower!

  3. I really like this quilt, but wouldnt say it was my favourite of what I have seen of your quilts.
    I laughed at the cleaning comment- sounds like me!
    An Astrologer once told me, "It seems you dont like doing housework, you think someone else should do that." How true! & he didnt even meet me.

  4. I always liked this pattern and never got to make one. Is the pattern still even out there? A friend make me one in cheerful Irish shamrock colors and white. I love it.

  5. I'm in your camp. every quilt requires at least 25 fabrics!

  6. Wanda - this is not my favorite of your quilts although it's very pretty. :-) But I can see why people might like it from the closeup - the value of the fabrics you chose really give it a feeling of weaving in and out of space. They're probably responding to the 3D effect.

    I hope someday to own one of your exuberant ones.


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