
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Many fabric background

I made this quilt top from instructions in the same book as yesterday's quilt. In this one I used many beige fabrics instead of just one background fabric. I think the fabric in the main part of the pattern has to be consistent in this one and the Around the Twist but I kind of like the multi-background. I started this one 20 years ago when the book first came out, finished the top last year, and now it sits in the pile to either sell or finish. The wedding shower is over and I let the bride and groom choose their gifts. I was going to give them one quilt for the shower and wedding combined, but I ended up giving them this one for the shower,
and this one for the wedding gift. They were very appreciative and said they would cherish these gifts.


  1. I love that plaid log cabin! It reminds me that I have 2 bins of plaid and homespun fabrics.....hmmmm

  2. What a lucky bride and groom. I really like the curved one.

  3. Log Cabins --- ahhhhhhhhh! I so love that pattern. It's versatile,friendly and just plain great ! I like the rendition of Around The Twist too !

  4. I have loved that purpley one since I first saw it!
    The log cabin is more 'sober' to me. I am not so fond of country colours, but it is beautiful.


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