
Friday, November 23, 2007

More Mary Ellen seminar

Mary Ellen Hopkins had so many great ideas in her book, "Baker's Dozen Doubled". Most of them are based on the 9-patch block or a variation of it. The one that really caught my attention was a miniature pictured on page 21. There wasn't a diagram for this little beauty, just the picture. I studied it and counted pieces. I added one more row around mine which is the purple. My piece is not a miniature, it is 40" x 45-1/2". The colors are pretty true in this first picture. The color is off on this detail photo but you can see some of the fabrics I used. This was in the early days of the larger prints being used. The tiny calico types came in with the 1976 bicentennial movement. Around 1986 the larger prints, which are only medium size to most of us now, were appearing. Some people didn't want anything to do do with them because they were decorating in the country style. Somehow my work was never meant to match my sofa. The joke is on me because these are the colors of my living room now!


  1. And it's so very lovely. It's as near as almost the same to a Blooming NIne patch, just has more 'zing'

  2. You've gotta love the nine patch. It's so versatile. I love what you have done with it here.

  3. It is lovely. Nine patches are versatile, & this is very effective, with it's glowing heart.

  4. I think you need to show your purple couch with this quilt. I never have seen it, and it lives only in my imagination.
    I can't tell you how much this makes quilt makes me want to piece one again. You are such a seductress!
    Lovest Mel


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