
Friday, September 20, 2024

Fiber fun.............

I made a couple more blocks yesterday after running some errands.  I have lots more short strips, the size in the small blocks, in the scrap bag so I'll continue making the small blocks in spare moments.  I'm thinking of a medallion style quilt at this point.

I searched through my oldest Kaffe fabrics and came up with two more light fabrics.  I have one more in the basement.  Now I need to find a few more dark fabrics and get them pressed and cut.  I haven't turned on an iron yet so I can't start sewing the pinwheel blocks yet.

While out running errands yesterday I found a miniature Chrysanthemum plant for $1.  I briefly considered buying 3 of them and replanting one of my porch pots.  Then I came to my senses and just bought one for my kitchen.



  1. Hahaha--it's hard to turn down such a pretty plant bargain;))) What a cheery color...
    I love your little scrappy square blocks;)))
    65 here--still warmish overnight these days...
    I began a new little scroll and readied a table runner for some hand steps. hugs Julierose

  2. Awww I'm glad you adopted that little mum - it's pretty and happy there in your kitchen. Nice tomatoes too. Love the scrappy blocks!

  3. I love mums...yours is too sweet!
    Love the block!

  4. Such a fun array of your blocks and just stitching on them when you have a moment or two, each one has such a vibrant impact. ~ I know I’m going to love your blues and you haven’t even stitched on one yet. And to bring in a such a cheerful little mum plant just for your window sill… was a happy way to end your day .

  5. There ya go, something bright to work on between the blues!

  6. Love those bright blocks! And the light/dark blues are gorgeous. I had the same “come to my senses” moment earlier today with baby mums for under $5 — despite the temptation, they are all still at the store.


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