
Monday, August 12, 2024


A binding photo would look similar to yesterday's so I'll show you garden delights instead.  I have 2- 2/3 sides hand stitched now.

The Zinfin Doll Hydrangea is getting prettier by the day.

Walking to the north, one of tiny Sedum plants, about 5" tall has blooms shooting up now.  These are a dark pink.

This is in the next section north and is also about 5" tall.  These blooms are a paler pink.

In the next section the lime green Coral Bell is starting to bloom.  They will fill out like plumes as they develop.  This is always the last one to bloom.

The Black Eyed Susan in the crack of the sidewalk is getting huge.  I will try to run a knife down on both sides of the root and pull the plant out next month.  I planted the piece I cut out last year and it is a big plant too.



  1. Your garden is looking so lovely, Wanda!! That Zinfin Doll hydrangea is really pretty turning pink...and that sedum color, too.
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Beautiful blooms and plants! The black-eyed Susan is amazing.

  3. I am fighting to keep our flowers alive this time of year. As long as I'm diligent about watering, I can manage. Your blooms still look so very fresh.

  4. Thanks for the tour! Today is going to be another stunner.

  5. You garden is so pretty. Mine looks awful. My coneflowers are all burnt out. The only color I have are the California poppies. We had rain almost every day last week, but it's too late to help pretty things up.

  6. if you pour some water in that crack it might make it easier to pull but the flowers too - they sure are pretty.

  7. I agree your “Garden Delights” are exactly that !

  8. What wonderful blooms fill your garden with pretty colors and different shades of green.
    Good progress on your binding, too!


  9. All such beautiful blooms. I am glad things are still blooming!

  10. Amazing how big that Black-eyed Susan has grown in the sidewalk crack. And I envy you the Zinfin Doll hydrangea.

  11. It's always a joy to see what's in bloom in your garden posts. Your hydrangea has me increasing the photo size to see the colour in the blooms, and I love the name!


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