Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Final layout...................

This photo was taken in daylight as my reference for the final layout as I sew it together.  I only got 2 vertical seams sewn so far.  This is technically a Single Irish Chain but the black with white spots isn't strong enough in value to make the chain stand out.  The wild fabrics take over in this one.

This print has all of the creatures that are the Chinese symbols of the year plus years noted on each of them when it was the choice.  

The second quilt with Terrie Mangat's fabric is going to take a lot longer to cut.  It may be a couple days before I have anything to show on it.


Linda said...

I like your "wild Irish chain" quilt!

Nann said...

Linda's name is "spot" on!

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

This is amazing!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

nice having another one arranged how you like it

Julierose said...

It is definitely a wild Irish Chain.. ;)))
[reminds me of my Mom singing "My Wild Irish Rose" with Dad playing the piano for her;))) ]
79.2 here with 78 DP--soooo humid...went food shopping really early to avoid the worst of that heat...hugs, Julierose

JJM said...

WOW, WOW, WOW~ I didn’t expect to see that, its amazing with people, fish, cats and all your dots. I must say its Wildly fun .

patty a. said...

What a fun quilt this will be! I agree the name should be Wild Irish Chain.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

But then......we LOVE wild fabrics! And you have done a grand job of corralling them!

Vicki W said...

What a fun quilt and that print is awesome!