Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Binding finished...............

The binding was finished at 10:30 last night and then the quilt was folded to be taken to the basement for photos today.

Here is another corner.  I'll give all of the details on this quilt tomorrow when I post its portrait.

One down and one to go.  I hope to get the binding sewn on the second quilt today.  It is a small quilt so I think I will hand finish it too.



Julierose said...

Lovely red/rosy colorways in this quilt--nice you got the binding all finished...
57.4 here with 57.1 DP so dewy out there but nice and cool...
Hard to believe it's mid-August already and back-to-school has begun...Summer seems to have flown by this year...
hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you get binding done pretty fast - love the colors in this one

Nann said...

Hooray! Enjoy the sunshine today.

JJM said...

Your hand finished bindings always have that superior custom look.

patty a. said...

Congratulations on getting another quilt done!

Barbara Anne said...

Well done in finishing yet another wonderfully colorful quilt! Mind your wrists so you don't get that strain from too much hand sewing.


Mystic Quilter said...

Perfect choice of fabric for the binding, I look forward to seeing the full photo tomorrow.

Donna said...

You finished! How Pretty!!!