
Monday, July 8, 2024

Slow relaxing day..............

My one goal for the day yesterday was to sew the binding on the Churn Dash quilt.  I started the hand stitching and have half of one long side finished.

While I was doing laundry in the afternoon I also trimmed the red Kaffe squares quilt.

I picked one of these tomatoes on Saturday and the other on Sunday.  They were really low on the plant and I wanted to get them before the critters saw them.  They are Early Girl variety and larger than the others I have picking recently.  They will take at least 3 days to finish ripening.

I'm taking a week off from my de-stash sales to spend some time going through a lot more fabric.  I hope to have lots to offer next week.



  1. Lovely tomatoes!!
    99% humidity here again this morning!! Temp is only 68, but it will probably
    go much higher later on!!
    I will be walking on our treadmill and not outside...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. We've had a few days that's reached the 100 mark ,heat index is terrible, I have to keep an eye on my tomatoes,the birds luv them😄

  3. a slow day sounds good. I have so many tomatoes in the house I need to get started on sauce this morning and already running slow

  4. I haven't commented because at the end of the day for the last four days I was just too tired to type. I really like the binding fabric you picked. That will be amazing to have two more quilts done.

  5. Your binding looks like it was crated especially for that quilt. You have created another masterpiece.

    I’d like that big tomato in a BLT for sure…


  6. Slow and relaxing is a good way to spend a summer Sunday.

  7. Sunday was a slow relaxing day for me too. Those are nice on occasion.

  8. Well done in getting so much done on that perfectly chosen binding but take care not to overwork your hands!

    One of the annoyances of some GI bothers I endure is I can no longer enjoy delicious (and much missed) tomatoes without consequences. Sigh.



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