
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Binding in progress..................

I made the decision to do the binding on this second quilt all by machine. I'm sewing it on the back and will topstitch it on the front.

I took a photo of my computer screen, so I'm sorry it's not very clear.  This earthquake was 3 miles from my town.  I usually sleep through them but I woke up at 2:30 yesterday morning and was having trouble getting back to sleep.  The earthquake was at 2:53 a.m.  I thought a tree had fallen in my backyard. Big thump and ground shaking.  I knew my motion sensor lights (and my south neighbor's lights) would come on if that had happened.  It was totally dark, no lights.  In the morning when I didn't see any trees down anywhere I had an idea it might be an earthquake so I did a search and there it was.  My rain gauge had 2.1" in it from the storms that started late Sunday night.

There were lots of tornado warnings last night as a strong storm system moved through from Iowa to Indiana with us west of Chicago getting in on it.  I didn't lose power and I think our area was pretty much spared but the storm reports will start coming in with daylight today.


  1. Interesting about the earthquake! I checked with my kids SE of you and they didn't feel a thing - no dual cicada emergence, no earthquake, they are having a dull summer.


  2. Good that you didn't have any damage!! Scarey though!!

    I love your backing on that quilt you are binding. So pretty...and warm looking.

    77 here at 7:30 a.m. and going up fast; today is supposed to be the hottest day we've had as yet...our windows are all fogged up!! No deck sitting again this just a heat wave or the wave of the future?

    Hoping to do a bit of machine sewing on various little projects to be finished today...and will be staying in the AC for sure...
    hugs, Julierose

  3. Pretty backing ,glad you we're affected by the earthquake

  4. Wow! No earthquakes here, but lots of rain.

    I've been using the serpentine stitch to topstitch bindings. I find it covers better than a straight stitch.

  5. I hadn't heard anything about the earthquake. I'm glad it wasn't a tree, not only for the tree itself, but for the cleanup & repair work involved.

    As is often the case, most rain the last couple of rounds went around us, perhaps a couple of tenths fell here. We got about 1.5" last night, happily not the big winds that were being warned of. I guess I better get out and finish weeding asparagus on Wednesday & Friday before heat/humid sets back in.

    I wonder if that last bit of "abnormally dry" will disappear from Iowa on the drought monitor when they update it today. That would be the first time in years there's been no drought or abnormally dry spots in the whole state during summer.

  6. I can see how that earthquake would have woke you up. It was significant, but not enough to do severe damage. That is a lot of rain you received! We had a small shower early this morning and some is forecasted, but nothing is showing on the radar right now.

    Looks like you will have another finish very soon!

  7. Tornadoes and warnings but Earth Quakes in Sandwich, IL. indeed is rare. I called my sister right away when I heard about it yesterday morning and she was aware it happened but she didn’t feel it either. Living here in the mountains we get and feel little tremors often and have experienced one big quake in our area and watched trees bend like rubber bands from our house that was moving also. Tremors followed for a few days after.


  8. When I think a quilt I've made will have a busy "life", I sew binding on by machine for durability.

    Earthquake?! I've been in several non-severe earthquakes in Memphis and here in Virginia and find them very unsettling. I read that Illinois had a derecho (straight line wind), too. Those are really scary and destructive.


  9. I saw one headline that said a tornado touched down west of Chicago but couldn't find any story everything was politics - hope it wasn't bad. We get an earthquake every now and then in our area but normally I don't feel them and usually they are at least 50 miles away.

  10. We had a little one like that here recently. I used to work in a department analyzing the insurance portfolio exposure to earthquakes and was surprised with I learned about the mid-west and southeast risks!

  11. This particular fabric is such a rich colour, can't recall the nam of it right now but I think I have a little piece somewhere. must hunt for it. Glad you didn't have any damage from earthquakes or tornados at your place.


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