
Sunday, June 16, 2024


Only one new bloom outside right now.  This is the one that is identified as Smooth Oxeye or False Sunflower.  It gets about 4 feet tall.  I have lots of it in the back garden but it only has buds back there.  With our four or five 90+ degree days maybe a lot of it will be blooming soon.

The centers of the flowers eventually turn brown.  This is a prairie type plant and grows easily anywhere.

I trimmed both quilts that came back from the longarmer and decided on the lighter of the 2 fabrics I showed yesterday for the binding on the 16 patch quilt.  I didn't have the energy to press it so I'll press and cut today and get busy on finishing that one.  I haven't decided on a binding for the Kaffe one yet.  It's a good thing I have a lot of finishes already this year because I feel like I'm entering the summer slump.....and it isn't officially summer until later this week.

Last evening around 7:30 I took my big clippers around the back of the house and cut off a lot of low branches on the lilac bushes.  I also cut off anything that stuck out and hits me in the face when I'm mowing.  I checked out the tomato plants and made sure the "arms" were sticking out of the proper places on the tomato cages.  I saw a few new tiny tomatoes so there are over 30 green ones back there now.  Two of the plants in the front by the driveway don't get as much sun and I only see blooms on them.


  1. Ah, the cutting off everything that hits you in the face pruning method is my favorite too.

    I was explaining it to someone recently who pointed out that since I am pretty short garden visitors still get wacked in the face. Maybe I should hand out clippers before they walk around?


  2. 54 here early this morning!! And dew point is only 47--so a lovely day in store for us before the heat/humidity rolls in tomorrow and for this upcoming week...

    Traveling to my daughter's new house to celebrate Father's Day this morning...
    Hoping we will also get to see some of the grandchildren...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Summer evenings are good for garden chores! It seems as though the flowers are blooming earlier than usual -- the early coneflowers [skinny petals] are out at Illinois Beach State Park. And I think I saw early rudbeckia (black-eyed Susans) at Rollins Savanna on Friday.

  4. Early morning or evening are certainly the only times it's feasible to do any gardening without melting. The humidity is horrid even if the temperature isn't too bad.

    Lovely, happy shade of yellow on your mock sunflower.


  5. your mornings are nice mine is hot already and I saw on the news that the heat will be all the way up to Wisconsin so see you will be hot too where you are near Chicago. I get those yellow flowers growing too. My tomatoes are growing like crazy and before you know it they will be hanging over the cages.

  6. Hard to believe you’ve had such hot temps this spring and so very early . You have been a month head of the season it seems . With summer days away I can only imagine your weather ahead. Lovely and cheerful yellow mini sun flower.



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