
Monday, June 17, 2024

Binding started....................

Only a small amount of hand stitching was done on the binding of the African and batik mottled 16 patch quilt.  I spent most of the day preparing more items for my destash of fabric on my WandafulQuilts blog.

A couple months ago DuckaDilly Studio had a good sale on their scrap packs of Liberty Lawn fabric.  It is quite pricey so I only buy it on sale.  I have a good stash of it started way back in the early 1990s and I want to make a quilt or 2 from it this year.  I have so much cutting to do for 5 quilts that I know I want to make.  This week will be a good time to work in the basement with the extreme heat outside.



  1. Just lovely Liberty Lawn prints you have there!!
    66 here and we hear that after today, that extreme heat will descend upon us and humidity, too!! Hugs, Julierose

  2. ah you enabler! i had to go and check out duckadilly...lovely liberties...

  3. Good luck with your destashing sale!

  4. The fabric you found for binding the African fabric quilt is perfect! I will be great to have two more quilt finishes. I can understand your frustration with that pesky squirrel! I have been trying to catch a chipmunk, but I have to find a new place to put my traps so I can stake them down. One of my traps is missing. I think I must have caught one, but then something bigger came along and saw a free meal so they carried off my trap with the dead chipmunk! It is a battle around here between the deer, possum, racoons, chipmunks, and now ground hogs!

  5. yes the basement is a good place to be in the hot weather. I remember one place we lived in Idaho had a finished basement and we had no A/C back then the basement was the place to go in the afternoon and bring the baby and a book to spend a few hours.

  6. Good job on hand stitching your binding. And I don’t remember you mentioning ‘Duck a Dilly’ shop before . Fun name and fantastic fun fabrics for sure.

    Your hot, hot temperatures are wild. National weather news showed how wicked it is… unbelievable really . We have been below normal temps like you have been way above your normal temps.


  7. Your chosen binding fabric is just perfect, the Liberty fabrics are a delight, and what a good plan to spend hot days in your basement studio.

    I miss the basement we had in one of our previous homes.


  8. Love your liberties! Especially the one on the bottom with all the plumbing pipes! Whodathunk plumbing could be so delicate?!?!


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