
Monday, May 20, 2024

Webbing time.......................

I webbed 13 rows out of 14 while watching 3 season finale shows on TV last night.  After I get the 14th row sewn on I will be ready to sew the cross rows and maybe I can get the top done today.

 I took my camera out to take a photo of another Peony that was blooming and found a whole batch of them in bloom.  This one is over by the bird feeders.

There will be a lot more of them in bloom today.  I need to get a bouquet picked before rain arrives some time in the afternoon.

This is one of my favorite pink ones.

Even the Peonies in the shady area are big and full of buds this year.  I guess our mild winter was kind to them.

This is the earliest one to bloom and in full bloom now.  I have photos of 3 more that I will save for tomorrow.

The red Weigela is in full bloom and as I went around it to take the photo I see there is a volunteer tree growing in the middle of it.  I'll have to see if I can cut it down today.

This is the prettiest of the 3 Weigela bushes.  I will need to trim back some of the long branches when it gets done blooming.


  1. Your yard is so full of color! The peonies are so beautiful! Everything is pink and green just like the quilt top you are working on! You are making quick work of that top!

  2. Beautiful florals in you fabric and the yard.
    I'd love to have you join my Sew & Tell party at Melva Loves Scraps on blogspot. :)

  3. My peonies are going to pop in the next couple of days. The early iris are done but the later iris are about to bloom.

  4. I love peonies and have none. I have never had luck with them.

  5. Seeing a sneak preview of your quilt top in progress and your beautiful peony blossoms is a great ‘kick off’ for the new week ahead.

    I’m envious of your warm weather you have been having. We’re back to extra cool spring days here in the Rockies


  6. Your peonies are so beautiful--they are just so "blowsey" and ruffled...
    58 this morning; Tom took me food shopping as my back won't allow for any lifting today:000 s i g h...but we got it done for the week early...
    Hoping to be able to sit on our deck as the temps rise...
    hugs, Juierose

  7. Great progress on this quilt and hope you achieve your goal of having it sewn together - or nearly so - by tonight.

    What a lovely yard of "Exuberant Colors" you have!!


  8. The blossom on that first peony is so big. I've lost nearly all my peonies to root rot caused by a root nematode, for which there is no treatment. Once it's present, you can't plant peonies in the same place again. I like you pink and green quilt.

  9. Your flowers are so beautiful. OF course neither of those will grow here. So I really enjoy seeing yours! Your quilt colors are another bouquet of beauty!


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