
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Busy Saturday.............

I loaded the backing and batting for this quilt yesterday morning.  I hope I can get it finished soon.

In the afternoon I went to the walk and fund raiser for Prader-Willi syndrome.  I walked the half mile path but it was 83 degrees and sunny so I decided to quit at that point.  My great-grandson is afflicted with this syndrome and it is rare.  Money is always needed for research and my granddaughter did a great job organizing the event.

Last night I started playing with the pink/green blocks.  There are 2 of each combination on the wall right now, set up with the pinks matched diagonally.  Now I can play with turning some and getting a looser layout.


  1. Good for you doing the 1/2 mile walk!! It is difficult when that temp is in the 80's I think.
    The pink and green blocks are looking great together; take it easy on your bak working on that wall;))) I know my back doesn't like too much stretching about...
    58 here on this gray morning; hoping for sunshine to finally break out later on....
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. that is good that you could do a half mile in the heat. I can always walk so much better when it is cool out then when it is hot. I will be 85+ here for 3 days - hot and came fast after cool days. Enjoy your quilting.

  3. I agree you did have a busy Saturday… getting your quilt top ready to quilt and then tackling a walk in 85 degree weather. The walk was a feat in itself at that temp and I’m sure some humidity. So sad to know your great grandson has this condition, but has such great family support. And working on your pink and green must have been relaxing after an afternoon in the heat.


  4. Oh, those pinks and greens are pretty. We'll be hitting the 90s this week. Summer is coming.

  5. Well, I'm impressed! Kudos to you for going on that walk. I had never heard about that syndrome until you blogged about it in the past and then I had to go read about it. Kudos to your granddaughter for organizing the fundraiser and awareness.

  6. Wow, walking in that temp. Maybe people from the south are used to it. It is a nasty disease, so unfortunate. The loaded quilt looks very graphic and fun. The pinks are green are so spring like. Sunny here today, looks like our temps will be like yours this week.

  7. I wasn't able to get my comments to post from my phone this weekend so I am now catching up. You were smart to stop at a half mile. That was way too hot to walk! Helping to unload the trailer and set up the merch booth about wiped me out Saturday evening! The pink and green top is so pretty and fresh!


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