
Friday, May 24, 2024

Executive decision..............

I liked the pink/green so well without a border that I decided the pink/blue would also not have a border.  It will be a small quilt.

Laundry and table top clean up were my projects yesterday plus watering the front garden.  2 waves of storms are headed this way today and I wonder if we will get any rain this time.



  1. I enjoy making small quilts the most. I hope you get some rain.

  2. I bet that feels good you made the decision. Small quilts are always handy to have on hand. Hope you get some rain. We got some, but could use a bit more. Watering every night gets old real quick! I have to lug the hose from one end of the house up the side yard to the front, then double back to the other side of the yard to get the cora bells. It's work dragging that hose, but the plants reward me. Have a great weekend!

  3. I always dither about whether to border or not for my pieces--I think the pink quilt looks just super can be a tough decision.....

    76 here and pretty muggy--after all the rain and storms yesterday..
    SOoo, I am inside layering "My Little Flags" and "109 Little Squares 2" today.

    I made us potato salad for dinner to go with our burgers...
    I hope your Memorial Day weekend is wonderful...
    hugs, Julierose

  4. Good for you, Madame Executive!

  5. I'm glad you decided to forego the border! We had over 2" of rain yesterday and more this morning. Remains to be seen how much more falls on us today. The plants are SO happy.

  6. more storms maybe here too later today or tomorrow - I'm ready for a dry spell before you know it for us we might be in the direction of some hurricanes for the summer - I think we missed the path for most of them last year with where we are they have to come up the gulf

  7. Good decision on your quilts … if they really needed a border you’d add one. Yard work is a never ending with all your gardens you have. But it adds so much beauty to and shows how much work you do to keep it that way.


  8. The joy of there being no quilt police means borders/no borders/asymmetrical borders/ whatever floats your boat borders are all just fine!! Enjoy the unexpected freedom of being finished with two quilt tops with one decision!

    Our day of rain and storms seems to have fizzled.



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