
Friday, April 19, 2024

Busy hands, happy life..............

I like to keep busy with fabric whether I have a project or not.  I have 2 project boxes full of Marcia Derse scraps and I keep looking at them and they don't look inspiring in the mess in the box.  I decided to loosely sort the strips by several lengths and slip them into plastic bags.  The odd shaped pieces will go in another bag.

Then if I decide to make blocks similar to this mock up, I will have an easier time selecting the strips.  Sorting is an easy job while watching TV.

There were a lot of pieced sections left over from other projects and from previous playtime.  They will be bagged separately too.

Yesterday morning I found another stack of 1.5" batik squares.

That meant I had to sort through them and find 4 alike of as many light fabrics as I could.  There are enough sets here for 40 more 3" 9 patches.  The dark fabrics will be assortments of fabric because there weren't any fabrics with 5 alike.

I'm working on a major reorganization in one area of my basement so I'm not sure when I'll start an actual project.  I do have a box of 16 patch neutral color blocks, enough to make 2 throw quilts so I could start playing with those to break up the work time.

I took a few garden photos from inside the house yesterday.  Look at the buds on this Coral Bell!  I think this one is called Snow Angel.  I have 2 or 3 of them.

This is the group of Tiger Lily plants in the back garden.  All of the green around them is the rampant roving Lily of the Valley.  At my age there is no chance of me being able to dig them all out.

It's hard to see the little flowers here but the Lungwort/Pulmonaria plants are getting big and bushy and full of blooms.  I'll probably dig some out and pot them and give them away.

I can't help it, I have to take photos of the pink buds opening on the Redbud trees.  They are talking possible frost/freeze early Saturday morning and early Sunday morning.  

Surprise, surprise!.  Look what I spied when I was opening the blinds yesterday morning.  This is part of an older cactus with white flowers that used to bloom at least 3 times in a season.  The plant was not doing well so I saved 3 small sections that were healthy and planted them.  This is the second time for this one to bloom.



  1. Oh, I just love sorting and grouping and it’s what I do after I finish intense projects or projects with deadline pressures and feel at loose ends afterwards. And don’t you just love surprise blooms? Just makes for a delightfully happy moment :)

  2. WOW a 3 season bloomer!! Impressive;))) I only see a few little new leaves on one of my cacti; and some leftover dried buddlings...and my recalcitrant amaryllis is inching up a tiny bit!! s i g h Patience is a virtue with this one, I guess...meanwhile, outside, my pink azalea is about to burst into bloom--sooo pretty....;)))

    48 here and the sun just broke through our morning cloud cover....I am hoping for a bit of deck sitting @ noonish today..

    I am cutting more 2" squares along with sorting out funny shaped chunks of fabric by color stack...and prepping [4]5" sqs for that scrappy snowball pattern--I have 2 blocks made so far...
    hugs for TGIF Julierose

  3. It is indeed a ‘happy post’ today Wanda. Always a treat to check in each day to see your array of photo’s and to hear about your day.


  4. I love your rampant lily of the valley! We had a massive amount at our old house. I filled vase after vase with the flowers. House smelled wonderful for a while. Shame they don't last longer. Sorting is good to spark creativity and keep stashes under control ---- if that is possible. Lol

  5. I wish I had more time to play with my fabrics. There always seems like there is a project I need to get done. Those MD fabrics are a treasure!

  6. I'm amazed your tiger lilies do not look much smaller than mine! I don't blame you for not trying to dig out the lily of the valley after awhile it is just too hard to bother and just let it go wild.

  7. Good luck with the re-organisation in the basement, I always have a glow of satisfaction when all is back in new order. Your photos from the garden are most welcome as we are currently having a very cold and very wet day here!

  8. playing with fabric is such fun tonight I found 6 inch batik squares...hmmm

  9. Fondling fabric in any form is good for us. And having things ready to sew without a ton of prep work is awesome. I love lily of the valley and would happily plant some here but DH is totally NOT in love with it so . . . I enjoy photos like yours and my own memories from childhood.


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