
Sunday, December 3, 2023

Searching and sorting...........

My search was for backing for the 2 flannel baby quilt tops that I made on November 30.  I didn't want to cut a piece off larger yardage and then be short for a larger quilt.  I kept digging until I found this one.  There was enough for both quilts so now I just need to press it and find batting.

While I was in that area I straightened up the big bin of flannel.  I have been just grabbing pieces out and making a mess of it.  Now it is neat again.

There was a box with 4.5" squares of flannel but not quite enough for another little quilt.  I cut a few more squares from scraps and had enough then to proceed.  The farther down the design wall, the crookeder the layout becomes. I'll blame that on bifocals.

I decided to go ahead and sew it all together last night.  It is 36" square so I might add a 2" border.



  1. Well looking for something turned out to be doubly productive- the backing and a new piece!

  2. I think I would love to go shopping in your stash of fabric :)

  3. that backing will be so neat--you have a lovely selection of flannels...
    45 this morning and raining...
    I awoke today to see that Tom had totally re-configured our side tv room--his favorite thing is to re-arrange furniture...;000
    [I am not one for change much--so we always confer and compromise on this aspect of his persona;))))] My DIL says the same thing as our son has inherited this "need" to change up furniture...hahaha--she and I commiserate about this. ;)))
    Since I like to have my "stuff" around me, I have been finding new spots for
    my journals , puzzle books etc etc...and so it goes....
    hugs, Julierose

  4. Perfect backing for your two baby quilts and yet another one (ready to be sewn) just happened to get in your way, as you searched for that backing. Your daily workouts are so fun to see and hear about, Wanda.


  5. I'm so happy you found a backing fabric for these two flannel quilts and didn't need to cut into yardage that could leave you short for some futures quilt's needs.

    Earlier this afternoon I made a quiche that had several veggies that needed to be cut up and that was it for me today. I am so very tired due to lupus fatigue. Bother and bummer.


  6. That’s a pretty piece you found for the backings. It’s good that you only needed to cut a few squares to have enough for another baby quilt.


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