
Monday, December 4, 2023

Quilting two...........

I knew it wouldn't take long to quilt a 39" square quilt so I started with this one.

Since it took such a short time I loaded the other flannel baby quilt which is 40" square after I unpinned the first one.  I was able to use the same colors of thread top and bottom so that was a plus.

I got both of them trimmed and binding will be today, all by machine on both of these.

Yesterday morning I noticed my neighbor's kitty sitting on the tree stump just over the lot line.  I know he is watching for little creatures that are over under the brush pile about 30 feet away.

My red cactus only had 2 buds on it but I was glad to see it bloom since I repotted it this fall.

I ate the last of my little tomatoes on a salad yesterday.  When we had a freeze predicted at the end of October I broke off all of the branches that had lots of green tomatoes on them.  I laid them in a box in my garage (which is heated between 55 and 60 degrees) and about 3/4 of them turned red during November.  These are probably the 4th of July variety which are all about golf ball size.  They are really good flavored so about half of my plants each year are this variety.  It was a bad year for tomatoes for me with long spells of nothing ripening 3 times over the summer.  The only plants that did great were the Sun Gold cherry tomatoes. Those 2 were over 6' tall and produced all season.  I have planted them 2 other years and they didn't do as well.  It keeps me guessing which variety to plant.


  1. Yes, I'd say the kiitty is on the hunt. I used to have house cats, before I retired and fell in love with dogs. None of the cats I owned were mousers. I think they adopted them as pets.

  2. Brilliant and beautiful flannel quilts and both going from bits of flannel to nearly finished quilts so very quickly! You're amazing!!

    At the grocery store recently, I saw a red cactus like yours and it was called a Lipstick Cactus.

    Our tomatoes were a mystery, too, and somewhat disappointing. If they really were Big Boys (which I doubt), they were about tennis ball size.


  3. that is good to get two quilts done at one go. Nice to get the tomatoes done too

  4. Great to be able to use the same threads on your quilting longarm--both done--how splendid!! Nice work toward your December goals, Wanda;)))
    44 this morning--sunny on wet roads and leaves on my way to do my early bird grocery shopping this morning.
    I found another lovely Christmas Cactus--a peach colored one;))) And now there are two....will be looking to add a white to my mix. I needed a gift for our luncheon with friends this coming Wednesday--I found a lovely potted white amaryllis which i hope she'll like...
    Hugs, Julierose

  5. Two quilts quilted with soft swirling stitches, looks like they will cuddle a baby with loving warmth. Flannel for baby couldn’t be any better. . . Home grown tomatoes in December is such a delicious treat. And your photo captured their beautiful red skins.


  6. Hooray for the two now-quilted flannel quilts! And your tomatoes did much more than ours (even though we limited ours to the "cherry" size varieties). Your cactus blooms always make me smile . . .

  7. Two cozy quilts done up, great! They certainly look soft and cuddly. I have a couple of teeny tomatoes ripening in a brown bag in my cupboard yet. This was my best year for the little tomatoes, but a lot of green ones were left. Any cactus bloom is wonderful to see.

  8. I love fast quilting quilts! I'm hoping to get 4 veterans quilts quilted this week.

  9. Yeah they are quilted! They won’t take long to bind. I think a machine binding is good for baby quilts because they are much more secure and will take a lot more abuse.

  10. I love the flannel quilts you made. Do you handle flannel differently than quilting cotton when you are piecing? I would like to try a flannel quilt but I've only used it for backing so far.

    I'm jealous you had some tomatoes. What a good idea to save them the way you did. I will have to try that next year. Mine are long gone. I think my favorite were the yellow ones--so sweet!

  11. Gardening is the most rewarding and the most frustrating activity - all at the same time! But I do love it. Your tomatoes look so good!


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