
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Sorting, planting..........

The 6.5" Kaffe fabric squares have been sorted by color.  There are several of some of the prints and only one of others.  The middle row is blue, green, purple and brown and the whole top row is red, orange and pink.  I'm not sure when I cut some of these because I have just been putting them in a little storage box for several years.  There are a few Martha Negley fabrics in there too.

When the sun came out in mid afternoon yesterday I went out and dug the hole and planted the scrawny sale Hydrangea.  It only cost me $8.50 so if it survives I'll be really happy.  It is supposed to stay small and compact but I can move one of the Sedums if it starts crowding them.  I moved the little tiny yellow coneflower too.  I was surprised how small the root is on it.  It may not survive.

Over by my other established Hydrangea this Hosta was getting crowded under the edge of the Hydrangea so I moved it forward into an empty spot in that section.  There was a Moss Rose plant there which I pulled out.

I noticed the grass was really tall again but I was already getting stiff from the digging.  I wonder how old I will consider too old for digging.  In reality I don't think I expected to be digging plants after 80.  



  1. I’d like to know the name of that red sedum. My Autumn Joy is a pale pink.

  2. you got planting done too - that is good I know your winter will be here soon. Sometimes I wonder how long I will be working at this garden, I'm hoping to get plants established this fall and next and then leave it mainly alone so it can grow but I haven't even touched the flower beds that the gophers and or armadillos created havoc in again this summer

  3. Nice that you got it dug in before the really cold weather hits--it should have time to develop a good rooting in its spot.;)))
    Sometimes I think it's hard to decide a color grouping for some prints...
    46 here this morning; nice and sunny with just a little "Winter is coming reminder" type breeze...hugs, Julierose

  4. I think you offered 6.5" Kaffe squares in one of your first pop-ups. I bought a set from someone and I am almost positive it was you. They were so pretty that I couldn't let myself use them until last year when I had a pattern for a small bag that needed just that size. Thanks for the memory!

  5. IMHO, one is never too *old* to be digging in the dirt!
    You are doing far better than I am (hip woes), and I'm about 15-ish years younger. The longer you keep digging and gardening, the longer you can seems to be the rule. AKA - use it or lose it.

    I hope the little hydrangea appreciates your efforts. Love the fabric stacks!

  6. You are an inspiration to all of us "kids". 70 myself. Just keep doing your favorite things.

  7. So true ~ you are such an inspiration to all of us….no matter if it’s in your studios or out in your gardens. And it’s really something to keep up with you and I’m your age as you know.

    Love your 6.5” blocks all sorted by color, surely will make it easy to select from when looking for that certain color and makes for such a pretty photo as well.


  8. Beautiful color squares. I find that hydrangeas can survive a lot. I had one called Blaze that I have moved 5 times and it never did well. Well, I guess location 5 worked as it bloomed this year. I find that any color coneflower except the purple are never really hardy and sturdy around here. I have tried orange, red, ruffled and white and my purple ones just pop and sizzle, and the other ones last 1-2 seasons here. I keep wondering how long I can kneel and get up to plant and trim. You are my inspiration to keep going.

  9. I will be rooting for that little coneflower to survive! That hydrangea looks like a fighter so I hope it surprises us all next year. If you can still handle a shovel then keep on digging! A little bending over then pressing the dirt around a plant with you foot and ta da you are still gardening! The getting up from your hands and knees- that doesn’t seem to get any easier for sure.

  10. It's never too old to be digging. It keeps you young!

  11. What a lovely sight - rows of KF squares. The stiffness from digging and planting is no fun at all, I can only manage a half hour at the most.


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