
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

2 years ago today............

Two years ago today I was working on these blocks.  This was the final layout I ended up with and I was going to look for something for a narrow sashing between blocks.  I really should make a decision and finish sewing these into a quilt top.  The fabrics are regular prints from many years.

My other option is sewing the blocks together edge to edge which I like.  What I don't like is matching all of those points when sewing the blocks together.  And then there is also the bulk where the points meet.

Yesterday I did some grocery shopping and then after lunch I mowed the front yard.  The grass was quite tall so it took some effort.  I hope to finish the side yard and do the backyard today.  Today is supposed to be the warmest day but windy.  I have 2 perennials to get into the ground before winter too.


  1. I vote for sashing!

  2. I'd use sashing, too. Matching and the seam bulk are two very good reasons, but the sashing also gives breathing space to the busy design.

  3. Yes, you must get those blocks into a top one way or another! Oh, looks like they will make such a cozy quilt for a cold winter day - perfect to curl up under with hot chocolate and a book. I hate adding sashing more than matching points so I know which way I would go!

  4. Time to get crackin'! I love how the look of the block changes with fabric selection.

  5. gorgeous colors! I've heard the if you see rows in opposite directions it helps the seams the nest together

  6. the blocks are all so pretty I like those colors - very fall like.

  7. Sashing sounds like a good idea --all those pointy bits to match would give me a headache!!! :000
    50 today, a bit warmer for my early morning food shopping...gray and clouded over again...hugs, Julierose

  8. Make it easy for yourself and use sashing made from prints that are similar-but-different. But git 'er done!

  9. I also like the idea of a TOT sashing, perhaps with a variety of batik cornerstones? I think the sashing would look good and also free you of all of those points to match. What a glorious quilt this will be!


  10. Comparing the first photo and second photo, I’d vote for sashing also. It shows off those gorgeous blocks so much more. Tight together, you loose the beauty of each block. But thats just what I see and I know you will stitch what feels good to you, and it will be perfect.


  11. I would say sashing is a good idea, just adds that little separation and wouldn't detract from the lovely fabrics in Bear Paw.

  12. I vote for sashing too, the first photo with the cream showing between the blocks makes those points really show so well. And a lot easier than matching up when sewing together. Those fabrics are beautiful

  13. The right sashing fabric would work. Sewing the blocks to each other - no way! Sounds like you made a big dent in the yard work.


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