
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Still stitching.............

Hand stitching continues but I didn't get much done.

Rain started in the wee hours of the morning yesterday and continued until almost 2 p.m.  I had a tiny bit over 2" in my rain gauge.  The weather got severe in the late afternoon into evening but it started a little east of me and did damage in some of the towns on the way to Chicago.  There was one video of a tornado with a rainbow next to it on the weather segment of the news.


I call my back garden my bee and butterfly garden.  It is fairly wild and packed with plants.  Over to the far right you can see the Rudbeckia is starting to bloom.  I used to have a lot of it in there and then last year there were only a few plants.  I think there are more plants this year again.

The blooms are pretty scrawny when they are first opening.   Soon it will be a mass of yellow.

This is another angle in the same area and the Tiger Lilies are in this shot.  They will probably open soon after all of that rain.  The Brown Eyed Susans are at the right in the photo.  They keep coming up in different places each year and they are really tall this year.

The Sun Gold cherry tomatoes are the only ones turning color so far this week.  They really seem to like where I planted them this year.

There are many branches hanging off in all directions and they have lots of little tomatoes on them.  I have had to hook them into other cages in the same bed so the branches don't just hang down and eventually break off from the strain.  I have a 4' shepherd's hook that I put in next to a cage to support one of the branches.  I took a few more outside photos but I'll save them for tomorrow.


  1. You are going to have a bumper tomato crop this year!! ;)))
    80.9 this morning already with 75DP--too hot and humid to walk outside, treadmill it is today!!

  2. Yesterday afternoon I started out to go to an LQS that's having a going-out-of business sale. I didn't get far when the rain started, and because of my limited vision I turned around and came home. Maybe I'll venture out today. (The shop is closing but the owner is going to reopen as a long-arm business.)

  3. I like it when the gardens are thick and wild like that - very pretty. I saw on the news the tornado near Chicago but knew that was east of you. Glad you didn't have damage - we had a thunderstorm here this morning so I don't need to water plants today .

  4. We too saw the tornado that hit Chicago on the national news last night. Your spring rains and storms are surely late this year. Hope the farmers crops can come back to life and survive the dry spring you had. .

    Your hand stitching on binding is as always meticulous.


  5. Glad all is well there and the rain you got wasn't too much. It's a scary time to be in New England.

    We, too, have a bee/butterfly garden and have been heartened to see more and more honey bees.

    I hope to finish pin-basting today and start machine quilting.


  6. I had my first half dozen ripe sun gold tomatoes earlier this week. They are soooo good! My four tomato plants are covered with fruit but it will be weeks before I have more. The sun gold are one of my favorites!

  7. It’s good you got some rain. Your gardens are lush and full of little surprises.


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