
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Second finish for July.........

This fabric has a slight sheen to it and it's so much prettier in person.

This Snail's Trail quilt made with Wishwell's Weather Report fabric is 58" x 83".

I used Glide thread in very pale gray on top and lt. blue Superior Bottom Line in the bobbin.  It has Hobbs 80/20 batting.

Glide is a very shiny thread and when I used it on another quilt I decided I didn't like the shiny look.  On this quilt however the fabric has a little sheen so the thread looks ok on it.

On the back I used a fabric from the same line which I was lucky to find on sale.

We had a storm come through with a lot of wind around 8 p.m.  When it had passed I checked the rain gauge and we got 1/2" of rain.  I thought it would be more but the storm moved rather quickly through.  On the news at 10 they showed big tree limbs down in the next town to the east (4 miles) so I need to check my yard this morning.  It was a hot day, near 90 and humid.  I did grocery shopping, 2 stores and then finished this binding.  


  1. This quilt is stunning, but I do not like glide at all so hard to work with. For me any way

  2. I have not use the thread you mention the thread looks great - the weather keeps creating storms in so many places, we had one come through late last evening before we went to bed got close to another inch again - that makes 3 days in a row - I will need to check the garden today i haven't in a couple days

  3. Your Snail's Trail quilt turned out beautifully!! Such a great finish on this...I'll bet that shiney thread makes them sparkle like they just came out of the ocean;))))

    We got plenty of thunder and lightning overnight but only 0.11" rain!! These storms pass to the North of us it seems and then leave us only with the heat and humidity!! 76.6 here at 10 am with 75 DP so pretty muggy out there--that along with the bit of smoke we are still having makes the air like a sauna!!

    In the AC for me today --again!! Hoping by this evening it may clear out a bit and that the tidal ocean breezes may make it habitable out there for a bit!!
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. What a lovely quilt and your thread choice is, no doubt, just perfect! How marvelous that you found the backing fabric from the same fabric line, too. :)

    We've got 93*F heat, high humidity, and smoke from the Canadian wildfires. It's a good day to stay indoors.


  5. I see waves of beauty looking at Snails Trail. Fabrics are so calming and matching backing couldn’t have been any better.


  6. Beautiful quilt! I would especially love to see this one in person! -Roxanne

  7. Asolutely love this quilt. All of it.

  8. When you first posted about your choice of binding fabric for this quilt, I wondered about using something that had so much open space with a scattered design, but now that I see it on the whole quilt, I see how perfect it is! I tend either to go for a contrasting "frame" or one that totally blends in. This shows me another options--something that, while different, carries further the colors/feel of the quilt.

  9. I love your Snail's Trail quilt! Those fabrics are gorgeous. It is a bit subtle, but still packs a punch. Simply stunning!

  10. Gorgeous! Second finish and the month is only half over . . . you're on a roll, sister :)

  11. I honesty don't have a problem wth Glide being shiny. It is thin, so it seems to soak into the quilt. It is very strong and lays real nice. It is also made in the USA and made well. It is my thread of choice for the top. I used to use Masterquilter also, but it is made in China, so no more. It is raining here right now- a proper thundershower, but I am sure it will not last long. I bought some plants on clearance and planted them this morning and am glad I don't have to drag the hose around. Love the Snail Trail fabric as the printed texture mutes the sharpness of the pattern.

  12. This one has a lovely weathered feel to it.

  13. It is fantastic! Those fabrics are really special.

  14. That quilt is so beautiful! Congratulations on getting it done.

  15. I do love how this one turned out. I had never seen this line of fabric and it is really attractive in ways I wouldn't have thought. Totally a stunning quilt!

  16. What a beautiful quilt - the fabric suits the design and vice versa. I use Glide exclusively and my machine loves it.

  17. This turned out so well! If I didn’t have WAY too much fabric I’d be tempted to go get some of this. Your choices and execution are great.


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