
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Prep time................

This is laying on a table in the basement almost ready to load on the longarm.  I cut the two lengths of backing (black with leaves batik) and trimmed the batting to the correct length.  I need to press the backing pieces and sew the seam now.  Here is a full photo of this quilt top.  This one will take up almost the whole length on my longarm frame.

I have completed 12 more pinwheel blocks for the Kaffe Fonthill quilt.  Seeing these together is making me want to make a whole quilt top of pinwheels.

Just when I figure my neighbors have finally run out of fireworks a new night of noise starts.  One sounded like a bomb exploding.  Fireworks are illegal in Illinois.  I just don't understand the thrill of making such loud booms.


  1. Your pinwheels have been making me want a "all pinwheels" quilt top, too. There will be a rash of them I suspect.

    On the fireworks front, a couple counties over from us 3 houses were very badly damaged by a fire starting from "improperly discarded spent fireworks". No one hurt, except that of course losing your home and most of your possessions has to be painful.


  2. In Iowa, they made it illegal for cities and towns to ban firework sales, but they can still ban setting them off in towns. So that means people take them out to rural areas. Gee, thanks, just what we need. The house my dad had in town had the new-ish metal roof damaged by fireworks landing on it. They had to replace the whole thing, but I have to wonder if it would have caught on fire if it were asphalt shingles? At least it happened after Dad was gone and the house sold so we didn't have to deal with it.

    That black batik is very interesting. I really need to expand my horizons on what to use for backings!

  3. That is one large quilt--lots of pretty fabrics in those strips...I'll be watching to see how you quilt this one;)))
    72 here this morning, overcast and very close again. Last evening we went to sit near the River at sunset--it was cooler and lovely--but I got eaten by mosquitoes!! For some reason they seem to gravitate to me--tom didn't get one bite!!
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. we had so much firework noise too for about 3 nights - it is legal here but annoying after awhile

  5. That backing is perfect! I'm loving both of your pinwheel projects. Do you have any tricks for managing the bulk of the seam allowances?
    Regarding fireworks, I agree they should be illegal. Would you believe, they sell fireworks to the public here in scorching, dry Arizona? The temps have been running in the 110's all week and the threat of wildfires is especially high this year because of the superbloom we had this spring. Now all that dry vegetation is tinder, just waiting for a stray spark.

  6. Oooh, the batik leaves are perfect. Too many firecrackers in our neighborhood this year!

  7. March 27,2022 ~ And soon to be a finished work of art. In my comment (3/27/2022) I mentioned it was electrifying fabrics and seeing it again it still is. I had totally forgotten about this nice big quilt top.

    I like your thoughts ~ with an all pin wheel top. They bring back our childhood memories.


  8. Lovely quilt and backing. Love the pinwheels and all the colors. I hate fireworks that make noises and ones that drip very hot debris. People think they are competent to shoot them off especially after mass quantities of alcohol.

  9. That is a big quilt! It will be good to get it done.

    It is illegal to set fireworks off in the city limit, but people still do. It was quieter this year in my neighborhood. There are two neighbors that have set them off in the past, but zero this year which is fine with me!

  10. The quilt you're about to machine quilt is wonderful and I love the backing fabric. Good choice!

    Don't get me started on neighborhood fireworks. Our beloved cats and dogs each retreated under beds or in our laps when thoughtless people "celebrated" with fireworks.

    I've made several Pinwheel wall quilts and baby quilts. Love 'em!



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