
Friday, June 30, 2023

Final layout..............

The rest of the triangles were sewn for the zig zag baby quilt last night and this is the final layout.

I started the webbing process last night and have 4 more vertical seams and 9 horizontal seams to sew.

I have 30" more to hand sew on the binding of the Winged Square/Cut Glass Dish quilt.  It will be on my monthly recap tomorrow.

I didn't pick black raspberries on Wednesday so this is a 2 day yield.

We had a severe thunderstorm watch yesterday midday but as I watched the radar the storm moved farther south and I only had a few drops of rain in my rain gauge.  The mid section of IL got hit with a derecho and rain.  Some areas north-east of me and closer to Chicago had over 1.5" of rain too. Humidity is sky high right now so hopefully we will get some of the rain predicted now through Sunday morning.


  1. The baby quilt is so fresh and growing looking. Thankfully, you were spared the real nasty weather. I am sure the berries were luscious.

  2. I was getting even less black raspberries then you show - it was their second season, I think birds were getting some of mine, I hadn't thought of netting them in time - I haven't a clue if I would get more the third year but think I might get rid of them and plant some of the strawberry runners in that bed this fall.

  3. Whom ever receives this baby quilt will treasure it forever ! Your green fabrics are like none other and I love the fact that it’s not pink or blue.

    Such few berries but better than none. Your drought surely has destroyed many crops this year. And I don’t need to tell you that.


  4. I love your green fabrics too! You always get around to ALL the colors and really make them sing! Beautiful baby quilt! -Roxanne

  5. What a happy baby quilt and those shades of green are delicious!

    Hope you get some rain, too.


  6. I love the green zig zag baby quilt! So very fresh. And it must be nice to have you own blackberry bushes! I love them.

  7. Wanda, I'm working backwards with your posts here!
    Nice assortment of greens in the baby zig zag quilt - I have to say this feels like an interpretation of my life presently!
    Black and white stash - you have a huge collection to choose from here, I have included these colours here and there in quilts but not very often.
    Fonthill - you're racing along with this, sadly I am not making much progress, not for want of trying but just things getting in the way now and again.
    Winged Squares - LOVE this quilt, colours are beautiful and the backing is stunning - wish he would bring this one back!!

  8. I LOVE the zig zag baby quilt - the colors are just delicious (like your berries).

  9. The green quilt is so pretty! We might get some rain over the next few days but I am not holding my breath!

  10. What a cute quilt this is going to be!


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