
Thursday, June 29, 2023

And on to binding................

The quilting was finished a little after noon yesterday.

The thread color matches well, so well that I couldn't tell where I had already quilted.  It is definitely done by a human being, not a computerized quilting machine.  In fact my long arm is so old they probably don't even offer the computer setup for it.

I auditioned several binding choices and wanted one with some coral/pink if I could find it.  What looks like yellow or beige as the lightest stripe is actually a salmon or coral, then orange, and finally deep rose in the center of the stripe sequence.  I finished hand sewing one long side and 15" on the short side.  About 86" done in 2 hours.  That means I probably have at least 3 hours left to hand stitch, maybe 3.5 hours.

I pieced another 1.5 rows on the green zig zag.  Two more rows to go.

I'm getting a couple tomatoes a week right now.  Two of the Sun Gold cherry tomatoes ripened so the 5 year old neighbor girl and I each did a taste test.  They are really good.



  1. Your quilting looks so pretty in swirls against that pattern...
    Zig-Zag is coming together quickly...pretty greens...;)))
    67.6 degrees this morning--it was sunny earlier but the skies are filling in with that smoke, another weirdly colored day here.
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I love that binding choice it looks great.Nice to have the tomatoes ripen isnt' it. I have a full bowl to take care of once again - too many to just slice and eat.

  3. Quilting perfect and binding too. Lovely quilt as we roll into summer ~ like your flower gardens so full of color.

    I never thought green had a sparkle but your zig-zag surely does.


  4. Hello,

    Good choice on the binding. The baby quilt is looking good. The tomatoes
    look yummy!

    Kay in KS

  5. That's a lot of quilting, the top quilt is beautiful, and yummy home grown tomatoes, always SO much tastier than bought ones.

  6. That's suck a beautiful quilt!

  7. Really, tomatoes? I have yellow blossoms,that is it. Love the binding choice.

  8. Nothing tastes better than a tomato fresh out of the garden! Or maybe two or three.

  9. Years ago I was being juried for membership in the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen. I'll never forget what the head judge told me, "Always leave the evidence of your hand in your work. You don't want your work to look like a machine made it." I can't remember her name, but it was (and still is, to my mind) a terrific piece of advice.


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