
Monday, June 12, 2023

9 more pinwheels

I thought I would get more sewing done yesterday but I am still moving fabric around and spent most of the day on that.  I'm making decisions as I go, no master plan made ahead of time.  I'm hoping to get my flannels and African fabrics out of storage boxes and onto shelves.  I did manage to get 9 of the pinwheels sewn that I planned on Saturday.

We only got one tenth of an inch of rain yesterday morning.  It was 59 degrees most of the day.  I went out to check on the 2 tomatoes that were turning red and decided to bring them in for final ripening.  Some years I leave the first tomatoes on the plant to ripen and inevitably a squirrel comes by and takes a bite out of them.  I decided not this year!  These are a little larger than golf ball size, 4th of July variety.  I had my plants in the ground the middle of May and there were tiny tomatoes on this plant when I bought it.


  1. Tomatoes already?? I don't even think I see any blooms yet! Yum! I don't like sharing with squirrels either.

    We probably won't be getting any tomatoes soon with a record low today of 45 degrees! We did get a tiny bit of much needed rain but now they say we will have high winds today. So maybe I'll just stay inside and sew today.

  2. I just ate my first tomato from the plants yesterday yours are coming along good to get two ripe ones

  3. We registered 102 degrees here yesterday, so I guess summer has arrived. I did not plant tomatoes this year because I would not be here to tend them during our trip. Maybe next year. Home grown tastes so good.

  4. WOW--this is early for tomatoes -- at least for my area!! Smart to move them in before those pesky squirrels have a fest on them.

    Great pinwheels you've put together--it will such fun to watch them mount up to the final setting.

    63 early on this morning and now 67--no sun to warm us up faster as the cloudy/smokey skies persist...sigh--took a walk and had to cut it short as I began tearing and coughing --very acrid air---despite the fact they tell us it's not as bad today--hmmm...
    hugs, Julierose

  5. Well, I have blossoms, but nary a tomato. Mine are in pots. Had a little bit on rain last night and today, but not enough to soften things up. Nice pinwheels!

  6. No tomatoes here! I have noticed many more maple seeds than usual. On NPR (Science Friday, I think) there was a report about mast years -- I thought that referred only to oak trees (years with lots more acorns) but apparently "mast year" refers to any tree's seed production. Like you I've been moving AFrican fabrics from one box to another. Need to get to Australia next.

  7. Love your new pinwheels!

    No blooms on our Big Boy tomato plants but we were late starting them. They are snuggled in beside marigolds so we have high hopes for no bugs.


  8. The pinwheels are pretty! We got almost an inch of rain in the last 24 hours. That has got to help! I still need to get my peppers and zucchini plants in the ground. I have had them on top of my garbage bin and it looks like the deer have not touched them. The sun is supposed to come out a bit this afternoon so maybe I will get them planted. I didn’t plant any tomatoes but in the past I have had the same issue with the squirrels.

  9. Your combinations for this last batch pinwheels are dazzling. Tomatoes look delicious


  10. I can't believe you have red tomatoes so early! I'm all excited because my plants have blooms on them!!!


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