
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Spring weather..........

It seems like the Redbud blooms have lasted longer this year.  I think that is mostly because after buds starting to open we got cool weather and the rest of the blooms didn't open until at least a week later.  I think the petals will start falling now and the tree will start leafing.

It got up to 63 yesterday so I mowed the front yard.

One of the Coral Bells in the front garden has lots of buds.  This plant was in a pot most of last summer and I finally planted it in the fall.

This is the variety shown above.  I have 2 of these and the other one is just starting to send up buds.  I'm hoping to find the old fashioned plain green leaf variety that has bright red/orange blooms.

I went through all of my small batting pieces and matched 3 of them to quilt tops.  I will be piecing some more strips together today for some larger quilt tops.  Every 30 yard roll of Hobbs 80/20 is a little different than the previous one so I'm trying to match the pieces so the batting will be the same thickness and softness.

Today is Star Wars Day....May the 4th be with you.  Would you believe I have never seen a Star Wars movie?  Somehow it never interested me.



  1. I remember the first Star Wars movie and how the new technologies made it so different than other movies I'd seen. But as the series progressed I liked the movies less and less and haven't seen one in years. As to the coral bells, we tried them here one year but they didn't like where we planted them (sigh).

  2. I'm surprised you have never seen a Star Wars movie - we saw them all I think, our kids were great fans of them and my husband and I helped that along I think as we liked them too.
    I'm surprised your redbuds are still blooming, I felt like we didn't have as great of flowers this year or maybe it was that I wasn't get around well enough to see them all with the walking boot on my foot all of April? I feel like April passed me by and now I'm trying to catch up on yard work a little each day

  3. The early Star Wars movies reminded me of old swashbuckling adventure movies (Errol Flynn!) so if you enjoy that genera you might give the first one a try. After our kids grew up we lost interest.

    Love your coral bells - they were the first perennial I was very attracted to. I need some now!


  4. I watched the first series of Star War movies in a theater filled with children, including mine. I realized later that was the perfect way to see them. One of these days, I will make a Star Wars quilt.

  5. Nice show of your growing gardens.

    I too have never seen a Star Wars movie… and I’m not a movie theater fan… all I could hear was people crunching pop corn around me and it’s a syndrome thats irritating to hear other people chew. But I can’t remember the name of it now. So we were not movie goers.


  6. I think it is starting to clear here finally and the tulips are in prime condition. Wonderful spring photos.

  7. I think I've seen two Star Wars movies. (And only a handful of StarTrek on TV and none of the StarTrek movies.) The characters and terminology have certainly become part of our culture. Finally sunshine!

  8. Love your red bud trees and the other spring flowers!

    I've seen 3 of the Star Wars movies and that was enough for me. May the 4th be with you, too!


  9. I think I saw 2 Star Wars movies. Not that interested in Sci-Fi movies
    or books. Working at our library - Star Wars movies & books were quite popular. I learned more about the writers & producer's of the movies on the hit tv show The Big Bang Theory. Funny, I learned more on that show about science than in my science classes at school:) Love your garden photos & thanks for sharing Liz's comment yesterday. I went hog wild out at Lowes yesterday &
    bought a lot of plants in pots. Some I hope will end up in a flowerbed.

    Kay in Kansas

  10. Star Wars, me neither !!! Batting, I have some wonderful tape, you press it to the pieces you want to join, making sure the edges are very straight, just butt them together, then iron over a cloth. I have found it's easier if I roll the smaller pieces inside the bigger roll, to keep the thickness the same. Interesting that the 80/20 varies. Love the colours on your trees. Here, leaves are falling, and some places have had rain every day for a week, our older daughter said it is SO wet where she lives.

  11. We might be the only two who have never seen a Star Wars movie. Nice to still see blossoms on your red buds.

  12. I think I have seen parts of a Star Wars movie but I don’t care for Sci-Fi movies. The red bud trees are beautiful! The Cora bells you sent me are looking good.


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