
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Playing with stash...........

I had cut a lot of pink half rectangles and one group of them just didn't go with the ones I used for the twisted ribbon baby quilt.  They are on the left in this photo.  I decided I would add some other pastels with them so I was on the hunt yesterday looking for the ones I thought would work.

The rest of the day was spent putting things away, once again trying to clean off table tops.

Liz left a comment yesterday about the "golden hour".  Look for the comment near the bottom from Anonymous and signed by Liz.  She provides a link that explains it.  Now I know that the photo I posted earlier of the Redbud trees by the driveway was also in the golden hour.  (Photo yesterday of the Maple tree)



  1. That "Golden Hour" is fascinating!! We sometimes get that effect on the trees to the West of our house in the beautiful and so fleeting...
    Only 49 this morning--but partly sunny...hugs, Julierose

  2. Thanks to Liz for the link. Very interesting! Have fun with the scraps.

  3. Fresh and pretty pieces that you pulled from your stash, I can see a lovely quilt in the works already.


  4. What an interesting link Liz provided!

    Love the fabrics you've pulled for this sweet pastel quilt. Do you have a pattern in mind yet?


  5. Oooo, you are doing a low volume quilt, one of my favorites!!!


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