
Thursday, May 25, 2023

Finally some progress.............

This quilt had been loaded on the longarm for over a week and I finally found time to quilt it.  I had to put in a new needle before I started and that had me procrastinating.  I only had one thread breakage and that was on row 22 of 26.

It's an experimental quilting design and I'm sure the baby who receives it won't mind that it is so irregular.  Since I always use a color of thread that blends into the color of the top I have a hard time seeing where I have already quilted.  I got it trimmed and will choose binding fabric today.

I turned on the iron and pressed the stack of items waiting their turn.  This top was one of them.  I have decided no border is needed.  I make most of my throw quilts in 2 size ranges, 50 x 70" and 60 x 80".  This one is 49.5" x 72.5".

I also pressed the 23 star blocks that I pieced this week.  I will start playing with the layout now so I know if I need dark blocks or light blocks to finish it.

Last night I baked 2 batches of cookies for someone to take to my great-grandchildren.  All of the Hostas that I dug and potted are also making the trip.


  1. You have been very busy. Both of these quilts are just lovely! I'm tempted to try something "rectangular" but I don't have this particular die cut. Time will tell.

  2. You've gotten a lot done! The quilting looks good in those wavey lines...

    Only 44 this morning...a cold north wind is blowing all the new leaves about...
    They way by Monday it will get to 79--we shall rain in sight--will it be another dry Summer? Probably...
    hugs, Julierose

  3. Love the pink quilt. I decided for a change to start making more small quilts as I have so many big ones - I will still make big quilts but after Hunter's Star is done I will take a break and make some baby/toddler size for the fall babies due this year

  4. Wow -- the rectangle blocks look so intriguing as a horizontal!

  5. I think the undulating interlocked wavy lines suit the pattern very well. Love both quilts you've shown on this blog. You sure do have a way with color and pattern.

  6. Goodness me you accomplished a lot! Love the wavy quilting on the baby quilt and the rectangles quilt is a delight.

    How did you have the energy to then bake cookies? Amazing. I guess I've had lupus fatigue for so long I've forgotten what having normal energy is like.

    Your family will be so happy with the plants ... and the cookies!


  7. Your quilting isn't irregular, it's organic. That's the in thing with the modern quilters. And, as you say, the baby won't care and no one else will really notice. It was 35 degrees this morning and going down almost that low tonight. I haven't been able to plant my annuals and have to bring the hanging baskets in. Of course, they are predicting 86 degrees next Wed and no rain in sight.

  8. Pretty pink and pastel post today Wanda ~ from pressing to quilting you continue to make good progress. I’m assuming you completed moving your fabric upstairs ?


  9. I'm a lurky follower, don't often comment, but do often get inspired by your ideas, your color choices, and your energy! I'm wondering if you could help an advanced beginner quilter who would like to make a rectangle/angles quilt like the one you pressed. How did you choose the fabrics on the "blue" side -- they seem to be all medium with a few lighter or darker? And the pink ones are mostly lighter to a bit medium. When I squint to analyze the color balance I lose some of the design choices you've made. I've got huge piles of light and medium scraps, could you offer some advice on color choice? Thank you, you are such an inspiration1


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