
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Two quilt tops...........

Pink Hearts is sewn together and measures 60" x 77".  When I made the 3 pink quilts 2 years ago I thought I was low on pink fabric.  Only about 5 of these fabrics are new.  I used batiks and Kaffe fabrics in with my other pink quilting fabrics so I would have a good variety.  I think there are 44 different fabrics in this one.

Weather Report Snail's Trail is 60" x 84".  I have a large piece of the lighter blue fabric for the back of the quilt. 

I need to do the staystitching around the edge of both quilts before they get put on hangers to wait their turn for finishing.

I needed to cut more triangles for the next Bear Paw quilt.  I found a pile of light ones already cut so the new ones are mostly medium and dark fabrics.

I found a pile of squares also and sorted them last night.  I sewed the group of triangle squares here while watching the 3 hours of shows on TV.  I only have enough sewn for 6.5 blocks so I need to do a lot more cutting.


  1. The pink hearts with that border is just divine! And even though I am not a huge fan of the snail trail block, I really like the vibe of yours.

  2. Pink Hearts is so lovely to look at and see all those different fabrics!:)))
    I like Snail's Trail -- looks so worn and old...
    28 this morning here, frosty grasses in our yard...more weather due to come in this afternoon...hugs, Julierose

  3. the two quilts turned out great - hope you don't get slammed with another winter storm.

  4. The pink quilt top is just delightful and the snail trail top is fabulous! I can't wait until my second order of Wishwell Weather Report fabric arrives this week. Those HSTs look small.

  5. Both quils are great but the Snail's Trail appeals to me in every way. I've always loved that block and those fabrics are fabulous.

  6. The hearts quilt has such a calming effect. The Snail's trail has a subdued color palette but the design packs a punch. Nice to see more sewing going on.

  7. Two awesome finishes for February ! I love them both, pink passion for hearts, and the detail that goes into Snails Trail bocks has me mesmerized.


  8. Love both of your new quilt tops, but I think the Snail's Trail is dynamic because of the great fabrics you used.


  9. I'm not a big pink person but I love the hearts quilt and the Snail's Trial quilt. I like the 4 patch border on the hearts quilt - in an earlier photo, it looked like the 4 patches were interspersed with the hearts. I'm glad you did it this way! I mentioned it before, but I really love the fabrics in the Snail quilt. And I can't believe how fast you sew these quilts together!

  10. I always think I don't like pink quilts that much and then I see one like this and completely change my mind! It is GORGEOUS! I like the snail trail, too. I really want to make one.

  11. Boy, I love both of these quilts, the hearts and the snail's trail!
    It is is much fun to follow you and see what you come up with!
    Wanda, you are such an inspiration....


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