
Monday, January 30, 2023

Busy day............

There wasn't much picture worthy done yesterday but I accomplished a lot.  I got this backing cut, sewn together, pressed and loaded on the longarm.  I also did the staystitching around 3 quilt tops, 2 from last year and one new one.  Enough space got cleared on my big table in the basement to cut the batting for 2 quilts today.  I sorted several piles of fabric and got some of it put away.

We got a crunchy layer of icy mix Saturday night so I was happy when my snow plow guy came early yesterday afternoon and cleaned off the driveway.  It was only 18 degrees and we had about 1 minute of sunshine over my house but the residue from the plowing mostly melted off by mid afternoon.  We got another light coating of snow overnight but it shouldn't be too slippery for the mailman.


  1. Whew! I'm exhausted just reading this. You go, Girl!

  2. Pretty back!! You got a lot done--good for you. I began tying my "Sunny Days" piece --still and all hard on the hands I find!!
    37 here early this morning and --yup--overcast once again; temps are due to drop off to the 20's by week's end they say...hugs, Julierose

  3. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished! All those jobs take time and aren't very exciting, but it is part of the process. The temps here are dropping into the teens early tomorrow morning, but then will jump up into the 20 and 30's. This morning I drove to work in a light rain that would freeze when it hit the windshield. There is plenty of salt on the roads so no issues driving. We just have to get thru the next couple of days and then we will be back to around 32 which isn't so bad.

  4. we had a light layer of ice already this morning - I'm expecting a package delivered by my mail lady so I have my mats spread out over my walking area from the driveway to the door so she won't slip - the driveway is crunchy enough with gravel that she should be ok there. Glad I have these mats - I forget what they are made out of.
    Nice you have that big cutting area I remember you said it is a pool table covered no longer in use.

  5. I've been doing a lot of fabric folding (re-folding) and putting away - found some treasures I'd forgotten about. The stash is looking much more orderly and inspiring. Hope yours is as well.

  6. Looks like you are all set up to move ahead quickly. I love when the ice melts on the driveway. Yesterday, rain, and today the 20s. I had an eye appt this morning and was dilated. It hasn't gone down in 4 hours, so the odds of doing anything detailed is slim today.

  7. Such a beautiful backing for quilt shown with it. Your days are always filled to the limit at your house. And for you to take time to sit down and post for your daily blog, is really a task in itself.


    Another day waking up to -12 below 0 and -4 below at 11:00 a.m.

  8. It sounds like you missed the really snowy part of the storm. I think I’d stay in and sew until it’s all melted. 😉


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