
Thursday, December 1, 2022

#2 finish for November...........

It is finished!  I don't know why the camera distorts the  top edge of almost every quilt I photograph.  

It is 36" x 45.5".  The binding is an irregular broken stripe.  It matched the backing so well I had a hard time seeing the edge of the binding sometimes.

Here is a view of the quilting of one of the blocks from the back.  Today I'll work on the collages for my monthly recap tomorrow.


  1. I do so love this bright, cheerful, yellow quilt. It is so difficult to find "good" yellow fabric, but you have hit the jackpot.

  2. This quilt is a beauty!
    Wonderful balance of dark/light yellows, black and white fabrics in just the right amount, bird print for interest...all artfully arranged.
    Nice work!

  3. I've always loved your crazy block quilts. No seams to match and using up your scraps is a win win. I'd love to see you make a blue one. The rain has stopped for a few days - hope it's dry for my roofer next week! Happy sewing :)

  4. This quilt is a beauty!
    Wonderful balance of dark/light yellows, black and white fabrics in just the right amount, bird print for interest...all artfully arranged.
    Nice work!

  5. Wow! Yellow is a tough color for me; you've nailed it with this one.

  6. What a lovely quilt finish, Wanda!!:))) Nice work..
    Only 30 degrees here this morning--skies are so clear and it is very
    sunny...hugs, Julierose

  7. What a warm and cheerful quilt for this time of year. I also have problems with photo distortion, but in my case I know it's mostly because I can't seem to ever hold the camera straight.

  8. love the bright yellow and the crazy quilt blocks

  9. Congratulations on getting the quilt done. It is so cheery! I didn't have any quilt finishes for the month. I did make 50 tote bags, sewed those banners, made a case for the amp shield, and worked on the t-shirt top. I would say that was a pretty good month. :)

  10. Two great finishes! The yellow one is so intriguing; I guess because we don't often see yellow quilts. But I really like it!

  11. What a pretty finish!!! The yellow and black is such a great color combo!!!

  12. Happiness is your YELLOW ‘crazy quilt’, its sunny glow makes me smile. Another grand creation Wanda.


  13. Love it! The black-and-white bird print helps blur the edges of the blocks.
    Is the back batik or "regular"?

  14. That quilt is so utterly perfect. I do love a yellow quilt. Hmmm, maybe I need to make one. LOLOL!

  15. The bird fabric is just the right fabric to round out the yellow blocks. I love it!

  16. This is beautiful. I'm not a quilter, but I was passing by and saw your beautiful quilt. I once read and article on how to complement a quilter... So, nice points? Not sure what it means but job well done!


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