
Friday, October 14, 2022

Sewing on 2 quilts.............

I sewed 3 more of the log cabin blocks and sewed 2 together, will add the third in the row today.  9 sewn, 3 to go.  I have to figure out how many more of the butterfly and travel print fabric squares I need.

I got this far on the strip sets for the other 16 patch quilt top.  I need to remove the colorwash pieces from the design wall so I can put all of the blocks on the wall when I finish sewing them today.

I think there is a ghost outside of my studio!  No, really we were supposed to have a freeze last night so the tomato plants in the back are covered with sheets. I hope they survive a few more days.

I broke the branches full of tomatoes off of the 3 most exposed plants by the driveway and piled them in a box in my heated garage.  I did this last year with a couple branches and the tomatoes all turned red in about 2 weeks.  I pulled out those plants and removed the cages.  I covered the other 2 plants that my little neighbor girl keeps picked.

I picked all of the tomatoes that had started turning color.  I'll go out after 9 a.m. today and remove the sheets if the temperature is warm enough.



  1. We haven't had a frost as yet--wind shifted to the North overnight. It'll be cold today out there. Putting other block with the log cabin one looks interesting... Hugs, Julierose

  2. the weatherman is saying we might get a freeze on Tuesday and/or Wednesday - it has been warm then all of a sudden cold - weird weather!

  3. Great idea for the tomato plants. We always picked the green tomatoes and put them in a box under the bed. Your idea sounds much better! I'm loving the log cabin blocks. They're always a fave of mine.:)

  4. Butterfly and Travel blocks are great eye catchers added to your Log Cabin blocks. Makes your Log Cabin piece stand out from others.

    Pretty combination strips for your 16 Patch in the works.

    TOMATOES this year have been a great bounty here also. My daughter brought me a huge bag full green ‘beef steak’ ones for us.
    Your window sill looks like mine too.


  5. Nothing nicer than fresh tomatoes fresh from the vine, or just ripening on the window sill. They taste divine. Reading that you're working on two quilts, do you have to keep changing thread etc or do you have two machines set up and work one quilt on each machine? I have two machines, I like to keep one fitted with walking foot for quilting and one with the regular stitching foot, problem is space and I have to keep moving them around depending on which project takes my fancy at the time - a real pain!


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