
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Test blocks............

There is a quilt made by Anne of Springleaf Studios called Arboretum.  If you do a search for Arboretum quilt you will find links to photos as well as the blog post with all of the directions and even a video showing how to assemble blocks. Too many links for me to hunt down to include here.  I decided yesterday was the time to make some test blocks to see if I want to make a quilt like hers.  I think I'll just play with this for a while and if I decide not to make the quilt the blocks would make a nice row in a row quilt.

Some of the blooms on the Annabelle Hydrangea are huge this year.  They haven't been beaten down by hard rain yet this summer.  The stems are quite fragile.

The Moss Roses haven't filled in as much as I thought they would.  This patch has hot sun on it until about 3 p.m.  If we get some more rain they will probably spread out more.  We have only had about a half inch of rain since June 25.

The Hostas are still doing well in the shady back garden.  They only have sun early in the morning.



  1. I just purchased some Kaffe reds to make this quilt. Great minds!

  2. As I write this we are having our first big downpour in weeks so I'm sure my Annabelles will be dragging by afternoon. Like yours, they have been enormous this year, now turned back to green. The coleus in big pots by the garage doors will certainly appreciate the moisture. The afternoon heat with the sun beating on the driveway takes its toll on them, but a good watering always brings them back.

  3. Love the moss rose! I have never had much success with it, but with the loss of a big tree maybe I can find some tiny plants at a nursery next spring and have it blazing out there! Something to hope for!


  4. Your Annabels are gorgeous--Like a sea of lace;)))
    Those are pretty blocks..hugs, Julierose

  5. I like the tree blocks. I can see how you could use them mixed in with another block. The flowers are so pretty.

  6. my hydrangea has suffered horribly from the heat this year - last night it was almost laying flat on the ground - I watered it for an hour after dark and it was back upright this morning and I watered it for another 45 minutes while it was in the shade - I hope that has done enough to help it through the rest of the week that will be around 100 every day.

  7. ARBORETUIM !!! I can see a lot of work in those blocks but oh so worth it. Fabrics are perfection. I’m hoping you will continue to create a quilt with these.

    Hydrangea is gorgeous, moss roses and hosta always add such pretty compliments to any garden.


  8. I loved Arboretum the first time Anne had it on her blog, it's a stunner. I always thought I'd like to make one but somehow it's never happened, perhaps one for next year. I'm interested to see where you decide to go with this. Moss Roses are so colourful, after a difficult night these have brightened the start of my day!

  9. Neat always you find the coolest projects. Love your flowers. So beautiful


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