
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Nature walk...........

I was inside most of the day yesterday.  It was 95 degrees with a feel like temperature of 106 because of the dew point in the 70s.  I noticed my blackberry Lily was blooming.  I decided to out and fill the birdfeeders and take some photos.

The Lemon Lily is also blooming and there are lots of buds.

Sneezeweed is also blooming by the garage.  I have more of this in the back garden that hasn't started blooming yet.

The first volunteer tomato plant that I transplanted into a pot has 15 little tomatoes on it.  There are 10 in this photo.

There are 5 in this photo.  One is very tiny.  The 2 other volunteer plants are looking really healthy and have had blooms but I don't see any fruit yet.

This Purple Coneflower is in a shady area so it is just starting to bloom.  I have more Coneflowers this year than there were the last 2 years.  I don't mind them spreading in my wild backyard garden.



  1. your plants are looking well - do your evenings cool off right now? it was 80 when I got up this morning and already a heat index

  2. Hot and humid here. We got a storm last night. Lots of thunder, lighting, wind and rain. We got an 1". It was nice not having to water last night. Your plants looks great! With the lack of water my Shasta daisies are already fading. I think this year I am going to cut them down as soon as they are mostly faded and see if I cant' get a second blooming out of them.

  3. Heat index here late afternoon yesterday was 111 - way too hot to be outdoors. I was out at 6:40 AM today replacing some coleus that had failed to thrive. Back indoors by 7:15 and it was already very uncomfortable outdoors. And we have another week of this, at least, with zero rain of any value on the horizon. Be careful there - your area is almost as hot as we are!

  4. Lovely garden tour today…. Your weather sounds so very uncomfortable. We’re finally getting a couple days of heat then cool and stormy again.


  5. VERY humid here too--71 dewpoint right now...luckily the sun has gone behind some clouds, so we are hoping the temps will come down...
    My lilies haven't made an appearance as yet--but they are all in if we are lucky and the deer don't chomp the all up, we should have flowers along our front walk soon...Hugs, julierose

  6. I have never before heard of sneezeweed!! Does it actually make you sneeze?

  7. Very pretty garden.thanks for the tour. Those tomatoes look great

  8. Your plans are all doing so well. It's been really dry here and then a lot of rain came all at once, but the only plants that are doing well are the ones in the pots that I watered.


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