
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

View from the sewing chair..............

I got the last 3 columns sewn and decided they looked fine on the left edge.  Hopefully this is the last photo of this quilt top in pieces.  It is supposed to rain today so I should have some sewing time.

I mowed the grass yesterday, a beautiful day in the 70s with a little breeze.  I wish all mowing days could be like that all summer.

Thursday I may dig up all of the volunteer tomato plants and put them in big pots.  I'm out of ground to plant them in.



  1. Wow, that quilt is looking really stunning. I think it would make a wonderful bed-size quilt -- if I just could amass enough varied batik fabric to figure it out. Can't wait to see this one finished!

  2. Your wall is looking so pretty with that piece on it--what a lovely view from your chair;)))
    It is raining here today, perhaps a bit of sewing will be happening here. hugs, Julierose

  3. Loving that quilt top! The pink peony is so pretty! Right now it is beautiful outside here, but possible rain tonight. At least I might not have to water which rain water is so much better for everything. I still have the tomato plants I grew from seeds in one starting planter. I need to get them in their own pots. They are starting to get big.

  4. I enjoy seeing this quilt every time you show us your progress on it. Then you add another of your beautiful peony photos. Perfect post today, Wanda.


  5. I like the way the strips look together- so inviting!

  6. Another gorgeous and simple quilt. I miss my mom's peonies and now live in the south, so I can't have any of my own. As to those volunteer tomatoes, I've never had any that produced any fruit but maybe yours are an heirloom variety that won't have that problem.

  7. I really like how this one is coming together. It has grown to be really pretty.

  8. Interesting that you say in your earlier post that you picked batik strips which were less appealing but boy do they work well together. I really like this uncomplicated design and hope you won't mind if you see one similar on my blog one day - I have three tubs of batiks to use up! Beautiful peonies, such a beautifully soft pink.

  9. I love the woven look of this quilt!


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