
Monday, June 27, 2022


We had beautiful weather yesterday and it is supposed to last for 3 days.  I have been picking the tomatoes the minute they show color so the squirrels won't take one bite out of them.  My son brought me lettuce yesterday and I gave him most of these tomatoes.  While he was here he cut down the last of the Rose of Sharon bushes on the north side of the house right next to the garage.  I went out later and pulled weeds and cut down volunteer trees.

I looked through some fabrics but was really lazy and didn't cut or sew anything.  I need to consider quilting something in the next few days.


  1. Lovely tomatoes!! It's always so rewarding when you grow veggies;))
    It is raining here--so far, only light showers--we are hoping for some good soaking rain as it is very dry...our grass is already turning yellow!!
    Hugs Julierose

  2. There's nothing like home grown tomatoes!

  3. my tomatoes are poor producers this year - I do no know what is wrong with them, there are tomatoes on them but not like usual and one plant actually only had one and now has nothing - I will leave it for awhile and see what happens. I pick as they start to ripen or bugs get them

  4. Thats quite ‘bounty’ of ripened tomatoes. Extra delicious payment for cutting down your bush.


  5. Nice looking tomatoes! The two yellow quilts are small, maybe you could get that zig zag one finished for June.

  6. I can't believe you have red tomatoes already! I looked at my tomato plants yesterday and I have a couple tomatoes the size of peas! Of course, it was really cold and wet her all May and the first half of June.

  7. Yummy! I just have tomato blossoms. We had a heavy rain two days ago and the last two days have been cooler and beautiful. Good thing because I have lots of weeds to pull!

    Darned squirrels!

  8. My garden is so slow that I may not have tomatoes until September. Enjoy, they look amazing :)

  9. Nice tomato crop. I am still babying mine

  10. That was enough for one day...Glad you have your son and your tomatoes...


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