
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Basting day..........

I finished this quilt top at the end of December 2020 and I'm finally getting around to basting and quilting it.  It is about half basted at this point.

My niece is in town for a few days so she came over for a visit and brought me a bouquet from a bridal shower on Sunday.

We masked up so we could have a long visit while she chose some quilts for some of my great-nieces and a great-nephew.  I also gave her a quilt I had used on my guest bed.

These are the quilts that left my house yesterday.  Since I am not doing trunk shows any more I just can't keep storing the quilts.  I want my family to have them.  The one in the top right is one of the charm quilts (961 different fabrics in it, none repeated) and it hung in the Paducah quilt show in 1992.  I really wanted a family member to have it.  We had a great time chatting while I showed her quilts she could choose from.

This is the quilt I gave to the great-niece for the shower (and wedding) gift on Sunday.  It is one of my very favorites and only fitting that a family member should own it.

And, just because they are so beautiful and fragrant, a close up from the bouquet.



  1. I've been trying to do the same - give quilts to family as they visit. I give a lot to charity, but there are some that I want someone I know to have them.

  2. What wonderful gifts your family is receiving!

  3. I have been giving my two children quilts and blankets I've knitted and crocheted--I can't store them all anymore either...and i am de-stashing a lot...
    I plan a trip to Goodwill this morning to donate fabrics..
    hugs, Julierose

  4. So wonderful the beauties found homes where they will be cherished.

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit! How thoughtful of your niece to bring you those gorgeous flowers to enjoy. It has to feel good that those quilts now have a home.

  6. that is wonderful to pass the quilts on to family and I bet they will cherish those works of art - because really some that you put so much effort into choosing color are works of art and look like paintings from a distance at times.

  7. I was going to ask in that last comment and forgot - why do you baste your top when you use the long arm? I didn't think they needed to be basted?

  8. Your niece got a nice assortment of styles. The one to your great-niece is very pretty, love the pink/green combination.

  9. The bouquet is beautiful - how kind of your niece to bring it to you. And yes, our quilts DO need to go to family members who will love and appreciate them. Good for you for making that happen with the quilts you shared in this post.

  10. The close-up of the flowers at the end look like they were the inspiration for the 16 patch quilt. I'm sure your members will cherish receiving one of your quilts.

  11. That green and pink 16-patch is so gorgeous! What a great gift for someone special on a special occasion!

  12. What a GLORIOUS array of quilts gifted to your nieces ! Cherished treasures for sure. Nothing better than a beautiful fragrant bouquet .

    Looking forward to seeing the quilting you select for your Africa influenced piece.


  13. How nice to know that your quilts are going to good homes! I don't like keeping quilts around. I feel like they all need to be homed pretty quickly.

  14. I’m the lucky niece that has an aunt like Wanda. I can’t wait to give my daughters and nephew their treasures this week, and I’m the recipient of one of my favorite quilts! Aunt Wanda thank you!! It was great to catch up - you are very dear to me!

  15. What lovely quilts you and your niece chose! She and her family are very fortunate to get such wonderful quilts. And I know it makes you happy to give them to her. I know so many quilters who bemoan the fact that their family members do not want the quilts they make! I, of course, cannot understand why anybody would not want a jilt, but my dad was like that! I don’t think the rest of my family is. If so, they’ve hidden it from me so far! But there are definitely people who appreciate quilts more than others. And it feels so much better to give quilts to those who really want them!

  16. I'm very late reading blog posts but was pleased to see the collage of the quilts gifted, all beautiful and I like the pastel string quilt very much indeed. Your green with pink 16 patch quilt is very striking, what is the size?

  17. Oh, I’m totally “twitterpated” over the green and pink 16-patch quilt. Your quilts are always special, but your niece picked a stunner!


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