
Monday, June 6, 2022

A day of rest.............

I decided I did enough outside work on Saturday for 2 days so yesterday I didn't do any.

I did sew 6 more columns for the current comfort quilt.  I might start sewing some columns together today.  This would only be 38" wide so I have at least 10 more columns to sew.

I picked another Peony bouquet.  So far there has only been one medium pink bloom (too old to cut) and there are several plants that are that color.  I think I have less buds totally this year.

My tomato plants are getting tall but the plants aren't filling out much yet.  The back cages are 64" tall and the front ones 32".  There are 4 more volunteer tomato plants in this bed.  One is at the left by the corner of the tall cage.  The other 3 are in the front between the 2 front cages.  I see more of them growing outside of the bed at the back where I sometimes threw the rotten or half eaten tomatoes. 



  1. your columns are adding up;))) nice work on this!
    No growing tomatoes this year--the last time we tried the chipmunks ate sometimes just one bite and then left them on the vine!! Ick!!
    anyway--looks like you'll have a good crop...hugs, Julierose

  2. I had way less peony blossoms also. Lots of plant, few buds. I love the way the quilt is coming out in the batiks. I got to do a small amount of gardening yesterday as the 3 yr. old wanted to help.

  3. I love those peonies. The tomatoes will probably fill out soon how do you like those red cages? I saw them and almost bought them but thought they were shorter than what I have I wondered if they support the plant any differently. Sometimes the ones I have (circle) start to bend over as the plant gets larger

  4. That quilt top is very cool! It looks like the strips are woven. How do you get the ants off the peony before you bring them in? The flowers are so pretty!

  5. Your comfort quilt grows prettier by the day. And your peony bouquet is so lovely today also.


  6. Our tomatoes are behaving like yours - tall but not bushy yet. Hopefully all in good time.

  7. Dear Wanda I am so impressed with your boundless (it seems) energy on both the sewing and gardening fronts. Do you have a name or link for the online columns pattern? Thank you

  8. I think your Peonies are so beautiful; in colour and those pretty dainty edges. Mine are a dark red with smooth edges and only seem to stay in flower for about 4 days. My Fuchsia's are finally blooming and often flower into October/November, depending on the weather :)


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