
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

3 hour sewing session..................

Last night was my 3 hour TV night and I sewed enough strip sets for 80 more blocks.  I counted my finished blocks, 196, and figured out how many I need for a 60" x 80" quilt, 320.  I have enough strip sets paired for another 50 blocks and I probably won't sew those until I have pressed and cut these strip sets into block pieces.

I decided to get some hangers for my porch railing this year.  This one holds 2 of these black pots with striped Calibrachoa planted in them.  My railings need to be wire brushed and painted but it won't happen until fall.

Here are the 2 big pots on the steps.  The plants are starting to fill out now.  The yellow Petunias are supposed to be draping plants so we shall see if that happens.

I didn't put quite as many plants in the top pot but I think it might fill out OK anyway.

I love my little pots of Pansies.

I moved one of my Coral Bell plants farther back in my front garden where it will get shade sooner.  I re-read the marker for it and it said part shade to full shade.  Most of the other Coral Bells say part sun to full sun on their markers. I purchased a new one to take its place and planted that too.  Otherwise all I did was remove about 30 Dandelions in the spots where the rest of the tomato plants need to go.

The pink Weigela bush is loaded with blooms again this year.  The pale pink, almost white bush has lots of buds and will bloom soon.  The red one waits a little while and then it blooms.


  1. Three hours is a long time to sew--hope you took breaks;)))

    Your pot plants are looking so lovely--I also love pansies...I hope to get some today when i go shopping for the 1st time in ages...[fingers crossed]
    hugs, Julierose

  2. You certainly did a lot of work with all that potting. They will all fill in real well. Love the strata strips. Next weekend I will push to do my pots.

  3. That's a lot of blocks! The flowers are so pretty! I found a empty pot in the garage, put three marigolds in it, and stuck it next to the front door. I will have to post a picture. The deer would probably eat all those flowers. They don't like marigolds.

  4. Color for the soul - flowers or fabric - thank you!

  5. I rarely comment, but want you to know how much I enjoy reading your daily posts. Thank you for sharing the beauty and goodness of your days!

  6. Perhaps I should set up a machine in the living room. At least I'd have the option of doing something besides falling asleep in front of the TV, or wasting time reading a couple of reddit forums I've fallen into.
    Your flowers are gorgeous. I love that hot pink goes so well with everything.

  7. Beautiful porch pots and photos of your plants.


  8. Your pots looks wonderful with all those beautiful colours - something gorgeous for you to look at every day for the next few weeks - worth all the hard work :)

  9. I always love seeing your Weigelia blooming. Pansies always put a smile on my face too.


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