
Monday, May 9, 2022

10 strip sets............

10 more strips sets were sewn for my mindless sewing while watching TV.  I will get at least 50 blocks out of these.  Some strip sets will yield 6 cuts.  There weren't many greens in the box of strips cut 20 years ago.  I added a couple rust/gold sets.

My Bleeding Heart survived another year.  It is in an area that was trampled in November when I had some tree removal.  I was hoping it was hardy and would bloom again this year.

Here is a view of the whole front garden which is doing well.  I will put leaf mulch on it again this year.

I have several Hostas that I saved last year and they wintered over in their pots tucked up close to the house.  Some of these pots have seen better days.  It is supposed to be near 80 today so I'll go out and look around for a place to plant these.


  1. it will be near or over 90 this week - that will be quite a change the A/C will be on by early afternoon I think at that rate. It will be muggy weatherman said maybe heat index of 97. Your plants should all grow in those beds now this year being established and bush out a little bit.

  2. I like the rust additions to your greens...
    You are really entering your gardening phase now, aren't you?:)))
    Still VERY windy here altho' the sun is shining nicely. My DH is planning on mowing the lawn today--that is a good sign of spring having arrived--if still chilly out there...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Hi Wanda, your front garden bed looks so nice!
    The pavers are nice for access but they also add a nice design element, very nice with your house.
    Enjoy this beautiful warm day!

  4. After chilly temps for the last week and near 32 at night, we're going to the upper 70's and low 80's all this week. That always seems to happen, but it makes it hard to get transplants into the garden when it gets so hot. But the heat will bring out the lilacs for the annual lilac festival in Rochester. You've been very busy again with multiple blocks.

  5. Your front garden is so pretty!

  6. It's hard to believe after so much cool/wet weather, we go right to the upper 80s to 90s today. And always the wind. I hope at least the farmers can get into the fields and plant. I still have some flower bed cleanup, but I don't think it will happen this week, am glad I got those hostas waiting in tubs for a couple of years planted last week. It's funny how we worry about the little plants surviving trampled roots, yet it's often the big trees that are more fragile about root disturbances.

  7. Garden Art supreme is your front garden, just love it ! I know the work you’ve put into and it shows, so well groomed.

    Enjoying the sneak preview of whats ahead with your strips.


  8. Your garden looks super.
    Mine has had to change, long story short.... The chickens left. Then I found your blog and your new frontage really impressed me, so neat, accessible and pretty. I have to cope with brick paths in straight lines which I don't like.... Straight lines....
    I have utilised them and made beds and I am so happy. Soon I will be able to enjoy my garden again. Thank you for the inspiration.

  9. I'm not much for gardening but my Grandmother had Bleeding Hearts and when I saw them at Costco I got some and plopped them in random places. My Mom gave me a lot of care and feeding advice, which I ignored. I'm happy to see that out of 5 bulbs, 4 are coming up. Hopefully the deer will not find them tasty and hopefully they will not bloom in August when I would miss seeing them!


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