
Thursday, February 3, 2022

Looking ahead............

I had some fun yesterday looking for fabrics for the last 2 Winged Square blocks.  After I get them sewn I can play with some layouts with all of the blocks.  I want to try color grouping as well as all dark blocks in one layout and all light blocks in another layout.  I may end right back with my original layout.

We got 5.5 - 6" of snow yesterday.  I tried to measure in several spots because there was some drifting.  It measured 7" up near the garage.  I was sensible and shoveled 3 times so I didn't have to lift the whole depth at any time.

I put my improv strip pieced blocks from 4 years ago up on the double design wall.  I have 12 more blocks that wouldn't fit.  I have been thinking about these blocks for awhile and think I need to trim them all with straight edges and then figure out how to use them.  Here is where I played with them last as a group.  Actually I made quite a few more blocks after that photo.  It's all a mystery right now..........


  1. Really pretty flowery prints for those squares! The strip sets "puzzle" will be challenging to set together, no? Can't wait to see how it goes...hugs, Julierose

  2. I don't know how much snow we will get as it is still sleet right now - should change over to snow shortly - still have our power so that is a plus!

  3. It's nice to be able to stay inside and play with fabric while it snows outside! Love the improv blocks.

  4. That is a lot of striped blocks! They are all so pretty! You will have fun playing with those. Not enough snow to shovel here yet. The way it is coming down right now we are going to be getting some inches!

  5. Your design walls are so colorful and pretty.

  6. I think the block is called Bright Hopes, but it has a solid square in the middle, and the legs go around in partial seams. I think these might look great in an arrangement like that. Or it could be the cold and snow are getting to me.

  7. Last two winged square blocks are so refreshing and will add to the beauty of that piece, in waiting. . . OMG ‘Improve strip’ blocks all sewn and ready to create with. Much fun ahead. I like your ‘basket weave’ layout from first layout.

    I had fun this morning and clicked on your”Quilts with Triangles”. WOW what a gorgeous collection you have created.


  8. I don't envy all that show. Take care of your back when clearing it.
    I like the layout for the improv strips you used in the previous post. What ever you do with them, I'm sure they will be bright and beautiful.

  9. Hello. I was anxious to see your Seed Packet quilt when it was done. It turned out beautifully! I think this one is my very favorite of all you have made. I'm looking forward to seeing your next two come together.

    Kay in Kansas

  10. No snow here, just ice that coated the trees. Massive tree damage throughout the city - terrible number of people without power and it is SO cold. The crews deserve all the credit possible for working to get the power back on. Glad you were smart about your shoveling. Stay warm.


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